Description: Chris Eubank, English boxer

Natal Date: 1966-08-08

Planetary Positions:

Sun 135.01 16.34
Moon 27.67 8.77
Mercury 120.34 16.84
Venus 110.85 21.81
Mars 108.56 22.97
Jupiter 110.52 21.99
Saturn 359.07 -2.55
Uranus 167.84 5.48
Neptune 229.42 -15.90
Pluto 167.07 18.25
North Node 51.05 18.02
South Node 231.05 -18.02
Apogee 344.37 -10.51
Perigee 164.37 6.16
Chiron 355.57 2.10
Pholus 321.63 -24.04
Ceres 77.99 19.62
Pallas 20.45 0.78
Juno 87.12 13.53

Sun Sign

In Leo the Sun gives an active mind, good nature, generosity, many friends. Is a natural leader, ambitious, independent, determined, persistent, industrious, honest and very conscientious; philosophical, philanthropic. Quickly angered but quickly appeased. Has a sunny disposition, is frank, outspoken, candid, forceful and greatly appreciates affection in which he is usually ardent and sincere. Magnetic, intuitive and inventive; fond of children, sports, drama, honors and high office.
The Sun is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN -135 degrees SATURN with an error of .95 degrees.
Aspect strength = 76.37%
Indicates derangement of the health, the nature of the illness threatened can be seen by the signs which the Sun and Saturn occupy. It is bad for business affairs, especially of the kind signified by the two planets. Obstacles, limitation, hindrance and delays, cause disappointment, sorrows and losses. The ambitions are thwarted, sometimes the native seems to be getting along splendidly, success seems close and sure, but suddenly inevitable conditions and reverses arise, resulting in downfall and loss. The native incurs opposition, enmity, jealousy and public disfavor.
All of these things indicate a tendency to become unsympathetic, or careless of the feelings of others, selfish, pessimistic, skeptical, or disinterested in social and economic welfare.
It indicates death of the father, disagreement or separation from him, enmity or disfavor of superiors, employers or those of high position; unfortunate marital affairs.
In a woman's horoscope this aspect signifies a denial of marriage or delay. Also indicates death of the husband or marriage to a widower. These marriages are seldom-happy ones, the husband usually being domineering, exacting, selfish, or inclined to illness and misfortune.
If Saturn is in a water sign, the parent is liable to be given to drink or other dissolute habits.

SUN Semisextile-30 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.83 degrees.
Aspect strength = 29.37%
Attracted to fame; a public personality; an innovative person; original thinker; a thirst for freedom; interest in the occult and all things extraordinary; a person at ease and talented with whatever is ruled by Uranus, including astrology, mass media, entertainment; publicity; usually somewhat iconoclastic and cynical about the status quo; Uranus rules adaptability and change on a grand scale---and globalization; this adaptability if often accompanied by an unwillingness to die for any cause, and a weak sense of patriotism.

SUN Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.06 degrees.
Aspect strength = 48.50%
A person of tremendous will-power; desire for power and a willingness to do what it takes to obtain it--even at the expense of ethics; a competitor; a person gifted with the skills to excel in things ruled by Pluto, including large-scale enterprises, politics; seldom a follower, single-minded in the pursuit of set goals; often self-centered, with a "me-first" attitude; second best is not an option; highly successful; tendency toward strong sexual attraction.

MOON Square-90 degrees MERCURY with an error of 2.66 degrees.
Aspect strength = 33.42%
Anxiety, worry, quick, sharp, turbulent and sarcastic states of mind. Impressionable, mutable, imaginative, indecisive, speculative and over-sensitive. Tendency to change, not enough continuity, fixity, firmness and stability of mental attitudes. Poor memory for dates and facts in history. Nevertheless, dexterous, ingenious, or clever, and possesses many good qualities. Temporary derangements of the health through the nervous system, stomach or bowels. Unsuccessful or unpopular writing; public criticism. Business losses, litigation.

MOON Semisextile-30 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.39 degrees.
Aspect strength = 65.13%
This signifies a determined, strong-willed person with enormous drive. It is the sign of the bulldozer who will run over anyone is sight to meet an objective, but who is often successful because of this drive and determination. Generally unorthodox, the native neither seeks nor accepts advice from others, and is happiest when being the boss in all relationships. This is the IMMOVABLE ASPECT, and the natives usually are the most self-willed and controlling persons in the zodiac. The upside is that they are very often genuinely faithful, are good providers, and are responsible to their family. (Note this aspect is the same as Sun/Saturn but more emotionally charged.)

MOON Semisextile-30 degrees CHIRON with an error of 2.11 degrees.
Aspect strength = 47.34%
This signifies a strong desire for marriage and children, someone who is highly intuitive and resourceful. It is a female Romance Aspect, and if the native is a woman, all she thinks about is her Prince Charming or meeting one. She feels completely unfulfilled without one in her life.

MERCURY Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.27 degrees.
Aspect strength = 68.29%
Strong ability to concentrate mentally, and a disciplined mind; mind over body; this pairing represents the profession and study of psychology because it is the study of control of the mind; single-minded and obsessed with achieving a goal; when this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing it can create genius.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.5 degrees.
Aspect strength = 37.45%
Active mentality; impulsive, irregular and sarcastic turns of mind; very observant, ingenious and critical; unsuccessful in literary pursuits; public criticism probably through the press; difficulty through societies, friends and kindred. Skeptical and peculiar; a reformer's spirit and extreme or radical ideas; constant desire for new fields or modes of action; sudden and unexpected adverse changes and removals. Restless, dissatisfied, discontented, daring, audacious, defiant, adventurous. Subject to accidents, especially in travel.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.74 degrees.
Aspect strength = 56.58%
Snap judgments made; ideas are grasped quickly but the native shows impatience with others who do not think the same manner. Skepticism and cynicism may turn into fanaticism, and obsession. Mental turmoil causes physical disorders. An inner restlessness may drive the native to obsessive search for new knowledge and Occult information. Preoccupation with death.

VENUS Conjunct-0 degrees MARS with an error of 2.3 degrees.
Aspect strength = 42.57%
Grace of motion because Venus rules grace and beauty, and Mars rules the muscles, energy, actions and movement; harmonious energy; abundant energy; money from whatever is ruled by Mars, including athletics and sports, war and the military, weaponry, the development and maintenance of muscles and the body; love of war because Mars rules war and Venus rules desire.

VENUS Conjunct-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of .33 degrees.
Aspect strength = 91.67%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.43 degrees.
Aspect strength = 64.14%
Neptunian beauty, soft, and dreamy; charming personality; money from sources ruled by Neptune including investing for the long-term, oil, land, inheritances, endorsements, copyrights and patents, talent and artistry, medicine and health industry; love of the arts and artistry in love.

MARS Conjunct-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.96 degrees.
Aspect strength = 50.90%
Attracts good luck; abundant energy; usually believes in God; fortunate and blessed; this pairing is a strong enhancer of other paring and planets.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of .72 degrees.
Aspect strength = 82.07%
Massive amounts of energy; directs energy to fame; brings war to the world; aggressive; impulsive and impatient. This aspect signifies a great reservoir of physical energy and a special talent in Uranian endeavors and careers. In a man, this aspect is a Sexual Aspect, as well as often indicating a man who desires changes of sexual partners. Mars is the male sex planet, and the Uranian influence tends to cause Mars to fluctuate, thus changing the sexual attractions of the man. If the Personal Aspect is turbulent, the desire for a variation in sex partners is accentuated.

MARS Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .86 degrees.
Aspect strength = 78.43%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.48 degrees.
Aspect strength = 62.93%
Supercharged energy; powerful muscles; this paring is a strong energizer of power and big business (the Mars enhancement of Pluto is very nearly a Super Aspect); obsessive.

JUPITER Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.68 degrees.
Aspect strength = 32.97%
Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

JUPITER Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.1 degrees.
Aspect strength = 72.47%
Super talented in artistic ways; success through artistry; highly inspired and original because Neptune rules inspiration and originality; remarkably enduring and long-lasting (because Neptune rules whatever is long lasting); very blessed or talented in areas ruled by Neptune, including health, medicine, natural resources, inheritances, patents and copyrights, talent of all types, including acting skills, poetry, singing, musical ability; successful and enduring ingenious ideas, because Neptune rules both ideas and inspiration, as well as whatever is long-lasting.

URANUS Sextile-60 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.58 degrees.
Aspect strength = 60.49%
Ability to present artistic talent to the world, and to perform to large audience, this is a common pairing for performers in the entertainment industry; ability to bring new ideas to the world, including new religious ideas, scientific notions, and any idea that is innovative or creative; for athletes, this is an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, ESPECIALLY IF THE OTHER PAIRING INCLDUES Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

URANUS Conjunct-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of .77 degrees.
Aspect strength = 80.87%
Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

NEPTUNE Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.35 degrees.
Aspect strength = 41.36%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees MERCURY with an error of .51 degrees.

Aspect strength = 68.30%

Singer or songwriter; natural communicator, orator; radio or television host or commentator; news broadcaster; photographer; for corporations, a company engaged in Mercury ruled businesses including transportation in any of its facets (such as automobile and motorcycle manufacturing), communications, travel, messenger and delivery services.

SUN Contra-Parallel-180 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .43 degrees.

Aspect strength = 72.83%

Unstable, with a tendency toward discord in relationships; lacking determination; often given to weird relationships, desires; sapped of vitality; robust health and longevity turns to poor health and hospitalization due to ailment of undeterminable nature or origin; creative vision turns to preoccupation with the mysterious; confusion; absence of clear thought; lax morality; vulnerable to fraud, deception; frequent misunderstandings, loss of trust.

MERCURY Contra-Parallel-180 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .94 degrees.

Aspect strength = 41.13%

Unreliability, obstacles and misfortune. The memory is apt to be poor, the mind vacillating and somewhat unpractical, affected by spells or periods of mental aberration, abstraction, lack of concentration, absentmindedness, dreaminess, or irresolution. It tends to nervousness, sensitiveness, restlessness, changes, and liability to trouble through slander, deception, imitation, fraud, intrigue, and bribery. Danger through drugs and poisons.
Difficulties through changefulness, unexplainable psychic conditions, lack of cautious self-control and the liability to be led by the impulses, sensations, appetites, emotions, sympathy, and by the ideas, thoughts and advice of others, resulting in nervous, restless excitability, which exhausts the vital processes. Then native should benefit through study of dietetics.

VENUS Parallel-0 degrees MARS with an error of 1.16 degrees.

Aspect strength = 27.48%

Grace of motion because Venus rules grace and beauty, and Mars rules the muscles, energy, actions and movement; harmonious energy; abundant energy; money from whatever is ruled by Mars, including athletics and sports, war and the military, weaponry, the development and maintenance of muscles and the body; love of war because Mars rules war and Venus rules desire.

VENUS Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of .18 degrees.

Aspect strength = 88.72%

A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

MARS Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of .98 degrees.

Aspect strength = 38.76%

Attracts good luck; abundant energy; usually believes in God; fortunate and blessed; this pairing is a strong enhancer of other paring and planets.

SATURN Contra-Parallel-180 degrees CHIRON with an error of .44 degrees.

Aspect strength = 72.23%

** Turbulent Aspect **
This provides the native with the unusual ability to be a force against Judeo-Christian beliefs, morals and family values, and against marriage as an institution. This aspect also gives the native an ability to dominate the destinies of others, for better or worse. The native very often has a desire and ability to destroy marriages and break up families, and is often against the free enterprise economic system, preferring socialism or communism. Because this is a Saturn aspect, a turbulent angle can result in unconventionality. Especially in a woman, the turbulent Saturn-Chiron aspect is the Seclusion Aspect, with the native often living the last decades without a loved one. If a person has this aspect, there is far greater need to be much more careful about any involvement. In any relationship of love, a Romantic Super Linkage is required to offset this natal aspect. Please remember that all other natal aspects must be taken into account when analyzing a chart, and there could be offsetting aspects.

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