Description: Stanley Jordan, American guitarist, pianist, and songwriter

Natal Date: 1959-07-31

Planetary Positions:

Sun 127.06 18.51
Moon 74.20 17.81
Mercury 136.71 11.29
Venus 163.98 3.50
Mars 156.56 10.05
Jupiter 232.30 -17.53
Saturn 271.45 -22.57
Uranus 136.07 16.64
Neptune 214.24 -11.27
Pluto 153.03 21.35
North Node 186.88 -2.73
South Node 6.88 2.73
Apogee 58.42 15.88
Perigee 238.42 -19.81
Chiron 326.06 -6.59
Pholus 310.67 -22.86
Ceres 227.17 -14.44
Pallas 199.62 17.22
Juno 197.56 1.08

Sun Sign

In Leo the Sun gives an active mind, good nature, generosity, many friends. Is a natural leader, ambitious, independent, determined, persistent, industrious, honest and very conscientious; philosophical, philanthropic. Quickly angered but quickly appeased. Has a sunny disposition, is frank, outspoken, candid, forceful and greatly appreciates affection in which he is usually ardent and sincere. Magnetic, intuitive and inventive; fond of children, sports, drama, honors and high office.
The Sun is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Semisextile-30 degrees MARS with an error of .5 degrees.
Aspect strength = 87.51%
The athlete and professional sports; male sex symbol; aggressive person and a person of action; military person; muscleman; a person associated with weapons and the martial arts; an impulsive person; a person with a high energy level; an aggressive individual.

SUN Square-90 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.82 degrees.
Aspect strength = 29.49%
Unstable, with a tendency toward discord in relationships; lacking determination; often given to weird relationships, desires; sapped of vitality; robust health and longevity turns to poor health and hospitalization due to ailment of undeterminable nature or origin; creative vision turns to preoccupation with the mysterious; confusion; absence of clear thought; lax morality; vulnerable to fraud, deception; frequent misunderstandings, loss of trust.

MOON Sextile-60 degrees MERCURY with an error of 2.52 degrees.
Aspect strength = 37.10%
Indicates that the native is quick in wit, perceptive, ingenious, comprehensive, reasonable; has splendid mental abilities, ken and penetrating, productive, versatile, expressive, fluent and copious in speech or writing. If any of the air signs ascend it gives admirable elocution and ability to acquire languages with ease. The mind responds readily to new ideas and is fond of change and variety; optimism, imagination and intuition are increased, also mental sympathy, receptivity and adaptability. Fond of art, music, pleasure, literature and journeys.

MOON Square-90 degrees VENUS with an error of .22 degrees.
Aspect strength = 94.54%
Emotionally changeable--especially where love relations are concerned; a tendency toward dilettantism--especially towards ill-advised amorous relations; threatens scandal; somewhat bad for financial pursuits, though rarely disastrously so, particularly where a good planetary aspect intervenes; feelings of awkwardness in romantic situations are common.

MOON Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.87 degrees.
Aspect strength = 53.14%
The native is active, firm, enterprising and scientific. Fond of friendship and the opposite sex. Success and gain through the occult, and through original, inventive and progressive people. The aspect tends to awaken the imaging faculties, quickens the though and intuition, leads the mind into original lines and gives interest in new methods, inventions, curiosities, etc.., giving mesmeric and psychic faculty; good for healing and telepathy. Benefit through business and novelties. A good aspect for an electric expert or worker. Inclination for and benefit through astrology. Advantageous changes and removals. Favors traveling and if either planet is in the Third or Ninth House, many journeys. If in the Fourth House, many changes of residence.

MERCURY Semisextile-30 degrees VENUS with an error of 2.73 degrees.
Aspect strength = 31.64%
Intelligent; good communicator, deft in articulating a point because this pairing a symbolizes beauty of speech and communication; a beautiful voice and success at singing; good reflexes and coordination; money form sources ruled by mercury, including transportation and transport vehicles, communication and teaching, photography, telecommunications and the equipment thereof, anything that improves or enhances vision.

MERCURY -135 degrees SATURN with an error of .26 degrees.
Aspect strength = 93.48%
The subject has great ambitions and desires for activity, success and mastery in lines coming under the Third, Sixth and Tenth House affairs, but his efforts are attended with delay, disappointments, obstacles and limitation, and in some cases he meets with criticism and opposition, open or secret, and his efforts are frequently thwarted and hindered or his plans overthrown.
Encounters difficulty in acquiring an education and in all matters pertaining to books and studies.
The retentive or memorizing faculty needs developing even though memory of events is strong.
The aspect signifies great sorrow through death of brethren for father, probably both, or their ill health, separation or estrangement from them, although not necessarily through quarrels, but more as the result of circumstances.
Trouble is occasioned through slander, false reports, forged letters or documents, unfriendly writings, delayed and misunderstood letters, and the subject may himself cause difficulty through these things. The effect on the nature is to make one sarcastic, bitter, impulsive and somewhat dissembling with periods of gloom, pessimism or exasperation, grave anxiety, worry, constant disturbance of the mind, errors or judgment, caused by fear, circumstances, lack of initiative, procrastination and continuos restriction of action. This lead the mind to meditate and endeavor to discover the reason for these undesirable manifestations, and from the attitude one may be prone to seek recourse in the study of Occult subjects and spiritual philosophy, and thus improve his responses to the aspect.
If either planet be in or rule the Third or Ninth House it gives and inclination for science and Occult learning, which considerably improves the reaction to this aspect, but still there is liability to loss through failure, theft, fraud and deception; difficulty or loss in employment or thorough lack of employment, poor health often interfering; troubles through neighbors, servants, societies, associations, messengers, travelers, and by things ruled by the sign and house occupied. This is a bad aspect for the teeth, causing decay; also causes slow or poor circulation or digestion, bowel affliction, weakness, obstruction and constipation. People with the aspect or are annoyed with these latter troubles should avoid strong drinks or highly seasoned food.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees URANUS with an error of .64 degrees.
Aspect strength = 83.96%
Public communication; famous reflexes and respiration, natural athletic ability; naturally skilled with computer software; adept at astrology, chess; great depth perception and eye-body coordination; mind with extraordinary spatial relations capacity, very adept at visualization in the mind, great mind for designing, architecture, mechanical engineering, hairdressing, painting, and sculpting.

VENUS Semisextile-30 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.09 degrees.
Aspect strength = 47.68%
Loved and adored by the public; public idol; photogenic and charismatic, beautiful on screen and in print; money from sources ruled by Uranus and/or love of whatever is Uranian, including change, entertainment, broadcasting, the movies, telecommunications, publicity and fame, astrology, public performances of all kinds, space travel and flying, technology.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.32 degrees.
Aspect strength = 41.98%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

SATURN -135 degrees URANUS with an error of .38 degrees.
Aspect strength = 90.48%
The tendencies and desires are the same as before mentioned, but the subject has not the capacity and ability to direct the forces to the same successful results and meets with general misfortune through things mentioned and indicated by the houses these planets occupy.
This aspect has an injurious effect on the health at some tie, weakening the parts of the body denoted by the signs occupied, especially by Saturn, producing a heavy, complicated and serious sickness, either long drawn our or else incurable. Liability to accidents by falls, falling object, collisions, acts of nature, riots or uprising and disregard for the rights for feeling of others.
Mentally it gives singular, imaginative, eccentric and peculiar attitudes sudden temper, impulsive, aggressive acts. Radical or destructive tendencies.
In a very weak or adverse chart, may invert the abilities and become thoroughly bad, treacher5ous, violent, or the aspect may manifest indolence, idleness, with an improvident attitude, satisfied only in catering to the tastes and emotions. Disrespect for laws.

SATURN Sextile-60 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.79 degrees.
Aspect strength = 30.25%
Like Saturn + Uranus, this pairing represents unhappiness with prevailing mores or accepted beliefs and the status quo, but here, there is the desire to change public views and ideas with the fervent wish to instill a particular set of his/her own values and doctrines, but always with the willingness to bring about change in a nonviolent fashion; ability to innovate the arts and create new art forms.

SATURN Trine-120 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.58 degrees.
Aspect strength = 60.52%
Burning desire for monumental and enforced change; ability to overhaul and drastically change and dominate a profession, industry, field, or area; this pairing is different from the Saturn + Neptune paring because with this pairing, there is the strong willingness and desire to bring about change in any way deemed necessary and at any cost, including violence if there are also Saturn aspects to Mars in the subject's chart.

NEPTUNE Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.21 degrees.
Aspect strength = 69.73%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees MOON with an error of .7 degrees.

Aspect strength = 56.47%

Energetic and driven; ambitious; possesses qualities that enhance relationships, including loyalty and sensitivity; mutual understanding; strong maternal instinct; domestic; cheerfully serene; enjoys good health; musically inclined; prosperous, especially where a good aspect from Jupiter exists.

SUN Contra-Parallel-180 degrees JUPITER with an error of .98 degrees.

Aspect strength = 38.64%

Threatens financial setbacks through miscalculation in investments, speculation, errors in business, litigation; imprudent, premature action, often based on bad advice; a good aspect of the Moon will help to moderate this, but misfortune tends to prevail, often due to a false sense of security or outright bad judgment; absent careful reasoning or forethought; bombastic; irritable; fond of extravagant display.

MOON Contra-Parallel-180 degrees JUPITER with an error of .29 degrees.

Aspect strength = 82.17%

Unfortunate for speculations, games of chance and risky ventures. Loss through misplaced confidence, loans, deception, dishonesty, excess, lack of candor, concealment of motives, irresolution, wrong judgment, either or self or by others. Trouble through changes and voyages; likelihood of slander and false accusations. Sever illness, misunderstanding or separation from the mother. Rather and adverse aspect for health generally, giving liability to derangement of the stomach and liver, blood disorders and tumorous growths. An unfortunate aspect for health in a woman's chart.

MOON Parallel-0 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.17 degrees.

Aspect strength = 26.93%

The native is active, firm, enterprising and scientific. Fond of friendship and the opposite sex. Success and gain through the occult, and through original, inventive and progressive people. The aspect tends to awaken the imaging faculties, quickens the though and intuition, leads the mind into original lines and gives interest in new methods, inventions, curiosities, etc.., giving mesmeric and psychic faculty; good for healing and telepathy. Benefit through business and novelties. A good aspect for an electric expert or worker. Inclination for and benefit through astrology. Advantageous changes and removals. Favors traveling and if either planet is in the Third or Ninth House, many journeys. If in the Fourth House, many changes of residence.

MERCURY Contra-Parallel-180 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .01 degrees.

Aspect strength = 99.15%

Unreliability, obstacles and misfortune. The memory is apt to be poor, the mind vacillating and somewhat unpractical, affected by spells or periods of mental aberration, abstraction, lack of concentration, absentmindedness, dreaminess, or irresolution. It tends to nervousness, sensitiveness, restlessness, changes, and liability to trouble through slander, deception, imitation, fraud, intrigue, and bribery. Danger through drugs and poisons.
Difficulties through changefulness, unexplainable psychic conditions, lack of cautious self-control and the liability to be led by the impulses, sensations, appetites, emotions, sympathy, and by the ideas, thoughts and advice of others, resulting in nervous, restless excitability, which exhausts the vital processes. Then native should benefit through study of dietetics.

JUPITER Contra-Parallel-180 degrees URANUS with an error of .88 degrees.

Aspect strength = 44.76%

Broad scope of mind and originality of thought with interesting, surprising or unique logic and manner of reasoning.
Loss through impulse, unwise judgment and imprudent action, risky ventures, unpremeditated acts.
Through unfortunate decision, changes and events the subject is hindered and delayed. Or deprived of the achievement of this highest ambitions. Troubles and losses by litigation; annoyance and difficulty over inheritance or property.
It threatens sudden, unexpected and heavy losses by acts of nature, through friends, governmental or legal decrees, misinformation, wrong advice, misjudgment.

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