Description: Fiona Kidman, Novelist

Natal Date: 1940-03-26

Planetary Positions:

Sun 5.19 2.06
Moon 215.81 -12.10
Mercury 347.31 -3.85
Venus 49.51 19.63
Mars 55.51 19.97
Jupiter 17.78 5.98
Saturn 30.67 9.61
Uranus 49.42 17.32
Neptune 173.84 3.60
Pluto 120.68 23.79
North Node 201.05 -8.22
South Node 21.05 8.22
Apogee 351.46 -1.05
Perigee 171.46 3.39
Chiron 104.00 15.79
Pholus 287.97 -16.67
Ceres 158.51 23.65
Pallas 111.95 -4.95
Juno 26.12 4.01

Sun Sign

In Aries the Sun gives much mental energy and quick wit, Natives of this sign are natural leaders, more or less headstrong or impulsive, ambitious, full of enterprise and new ideas. They do not like to be under the direction of a master and are inclined to be fiery and quick tempered, quick to resent abuse or imposition, but forgiving and do not hold a grudge long. Their great love of freedom and justice, coupled with their enthusiasm and self-will, makes them liable to go to extremes through indignation, hasty speech or lack of discretion. They possess penetrating will power are persistent, determined and not easily discouraged. Are philosophical by nature, admire scientific thought and are at their best when at the head of things, such as director, instructor, superintendent or manager. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Aries.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees MOON with an error of .61 degrees.
Aspect strength = 84.63%
Energetic and driven; ambitious; possesses qualities that enhance relationships, including loyalty and sensitivity; mutual understanding; strong maternal instinct; domestic; cheerfully serene; enjoys good health; musically inclined; prosperous, especially where a good aspect from Jupiter exists.

SUN Semisquare-45 degrees VENUS with an error of .68 degrees.
Aspect strength = 82.94%
As Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, the "combust" and semi-square are the only adverse aspects Venus can from to Sol. Neither is a very important aspect of itself, but at times may make the native extravagant, overfond of pleasure and luxury, amorous and mutable in the affections.
Some delay or misfortune in love affairs and in dealing with the opposite sex. Loss through speculation extravagance, or carelessness.

SUN Semisquare-45 degrees URANUS with an error of .77 degrees.
Aspect strength = 80.80%
Hope for a good aspect with other planets, in order to moderate extreme manifestations of the following: A tendency toward broken promises, separation, and even scandalous betrayal of marital vows, especially where a bad aspect with Venus exists. Averse to long-term ties in general; tendency toward impulsive, erratic action; fond of risk-taking, in business and romance. Particularly bad in a woman's horoscope. Prone to jealousy, love affairs, short-term partnerships. Interest in occult societies; a tendency toward accidents, especially those involving explosions and natural calamities.

MERCURY Sextile-60 degrees VENUS with an error of 2.2 degrees.
Aspect strength = 44.95%
Intelligent; good communicator, deft in articulating a point because this pairing a symbolizes beauty of speech and communication; a beautiful voice and success at singing; good reflexes and coordination; money form sources ruled by mercury, including transportation and transport vehicles, communication and teaching, photography, telecommunications and the equipment thereof, anything that improves or enhances vision.

MERCURY Semisextile-30 degrees JUPITER with an error of .47 degrees.
Aspect strength = 88.22%
Wisdom; logical mind, brilliant and persuasive communicator; teaches religion; can be brilliantly tactful, sees both sides of an argument good for diplomats, attorneys, negotiators, arbitrators; more than any other pairing, this one indicates the ability to hear (Mercury) the words of Providence (Jupiter) and therefore can be a prophetic writer and a voice of reason, a communicator for peace.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.64 degrees.
Aspect strength = 58.96%
The subject has great ambitions and desires for activity, success and mastery in lines coming under the Third, Sixth and Tenth House affairs, but his efforts are attended with delay, disappointments, obstacles and limitation, and in some cases he meets with criticism and opposition, open or secret, and his efforts are frequently thwarted and hindered or his plans overthrown.
Encounters difficulty in acquiring an education and in all matters pertaining to books and studies.
The retentive or memorizing faculty needs developing even though memory of events is strong.
The aspect signifies great sorrow through death of brethren for father, probably both, or their ill health, separation or estrangement from them, although not necessarily through quarrels, but more as the result of circumstances.
Trouble is occasioned through slander, false reports, forged letters or documents, unfriendly writings, delayed and misunderstood letters, and the subject may himself cause difficulty through these things. The effect on the nature is to make one sarcastic, bitter, impulsive and somewhat dissembling with periods of gloom, pessimism or exasperation, grave anxiety, worry, constant disturbance of the mind, errors or judgment, caused by fear, circumstances, lack of initiative, procrastination and continuos restriction of action. This lead the mind to meditate and endeavor to discover the reason for these undesirable manifestations, and from the attitude one may be prone to seek recourse in the study of Occult subjects and spiritual philosophy, and thus improve his responses to the aspect.
If either planet be in or rule the Third or Ninth House it gives and inclination for science and Occult learning, which considerably improves the reaction to this aspect, but still there is liability to loss through failure, theft, fraud and deception; difficulty or loss in employment or thorough lack of employment, poor health often interfering; troubles through neighbors, servants, societies, associations, messengers, travelers, and by things ruled by the sign and house occupied. This is a bad aspect for the teeth, causing decay; also causes slow or poor circulation or digestion, bowel affliction, weakness, obstruction and constipation. People with the aspect or are annoyed with these latter troubles should avoid strong drinks or highly seasoned food.

MERCURY Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.12 degrees.
Aspect strength = 47.09%
Public communication; famous reflexes and respiration, natural athletic ability; naturally skilled with computer software; adept at astrology, chess; great depth perception and eye-body coordination; mind with extraordinary spatial relations capacity, very adept at visualization in the mind, great mind for designing, architecture, mechanical engineering, hairdressing, painting, and sculpting.

MERCURY -135 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.62 degrees.
Aspect strength = 59.38%
Snap judgments made; ideas are grasped quickly but the native shows impatience with others who do not think the same manner. Skepticism and cynicism may turn into fanaticism, and obsession. Mental turmoil causes physical disorders. An inner restlessness may drive the native to obsessive search for new knowledge and Occult information. Preoccupation with death.

VENUS Semisextile-30 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.73 degrees.
Aspect strength = 56.73%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

VENUS Conjunct-0 degrees URANUS with an error of .09 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.86%
Loved and adored by the public; public idol; photogenic and charismatic, beautiful on screen and in print; money from sources ruled by Uranus and/or love of whatever is Uranian, including change, entertainment, broadcasting, the movies, telecommunications, publicity and fame, astrology, public performances of all kinds, space travel and flying, technology.

MARS Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.67 degrees.
Aspect strength = 58.25%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.65 degrees.
Aspect strength = 58.87%
Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

SATURN Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of .02 degrees.
Aspect strength = 99.58%
As with other negative Pluto aspects; jealousy, lust, dominance. The native strives for personal power and may withdraw himself from normal human contacts in order to achieve this aim. Destructive tendencies. Frustrated drives. Dishonesty regarding emotional interaction. Miscalculations of desire.


MERCURY Contra-Parallel-180 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .25 degrees.

Aspect strength = 84.56%

Unreliability, obstacles and misfortune. The memory is apt to be poor, the mind vacillating and somewhat unpractical, affected by spells or periods of mental aberration, abstraction, lack of concentration, absentmindedness, dreaminess, or irresolution. It tends to nervousness, sensitiveness, restlessness, changes, and liability to trouble through slander, deception, imitation, fraud, intrigue, and bribery. Danger through drugs and poisons.
Difficulties through changefulness, unexplainable psychic conditions, lack of cautious self-control and the liability to be led by the impulses, sensations, appetites, emotions, sympathy, and by the ideas, thoughts and advice of others, resulting in nervous, restless excitability, which exhausts the vital processes. Then native should benefit through study of dietetics.

VENUS Parallel-0 degrees MARS with an error of .34 degrees.

Aspect strength = 79.06%

Grace of motion because Venus rules grace and beauty, and Mars rules the muscles, energy, actions and movement; harmonious energy; abundant energy; money from whatever is ruled by Mars, including athletics and sports, war and the military, weaponry, the development and maintenance of muscles and the body; love of war because Mars rules war and Venus rules desire.

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