Description: Penny Marshall, American actress and director

Natal Date: 1942-10-15

Planetary Positions:

Sun 201.01 -8.20
Moon 265.09 -18.60
Mercury 192.88 -5.52
Venus 192.76 -3.76
Mars 198.05 -6.51
Jupiter 113.93 21.39
Saturn 72.17 20.35
Uranus 64.09 20.81
Neptune 180.41 1.02
Pluto 127.13 23.20
North Node 151.64 10.89
South Node 331.64 -10.89
Apogee 95.40 19.06
Perigee 275.40 -23.34
Chiron 146.31 7.06
Pholus 287.54 -18.09
Ceres 351.89 -16.95
Pallas 307.94 1.59
Juno 237.53 -9.48

Sun Sign

In Libra the Sun gives love of justice, peace and harmony. The native is courteous, pleasant, agreeable and as a rule even tempered, affectionate, sympathetic and sensitive to surroundings and conditions of friends. Is a natural peacemaker, just, kind, amiable and generous. Modest, neat, particular; loves art, refined pleasure and amusements; artistic and dislikes unclean work. Is intuitive and has objective foresight. Usually marries young and generally more than once.
Venus is the planetary ruler of the sign Libra.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Conjunct-0 degrees MARS with an error of 2.96 degrees.
Aspect strength = 25.95%
The athlete and professional sports; male sex symbol; aggressive person and a person of action; military person; muscleman; a person associated with weapons and the martial arts; an impulsive person; a person with a high energy level; an aggressive individual.

SUN Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 2.92 degrees.
Aspect strength = 26.99%
Threatens financial setbacks through miscalculation in investments, speculation, errors in business, litigation; imprudent, premature action, often based on bad advice; a good aspect of the Moon will help to moderate this, but misfortune tends to prevail, often due to a false sense of security or outright bad judgment; absent careful reasoning or forethought; bombastic; irritable; fond of extravagant display.

SUN -135 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.92 degrees.
Aspect strength = 52.05%
Hope for a good aspect with other planets, in order to moderate extreme manifestations of the following: A tendency toward broken promises, separation, and even scandalous betrayal of marital vows, especially where a bad aspect with Venus exists. Averse to long-term ties in general; tendency toward impulsive, erratic action; fond of risk-taking, in business and romance. Particularly bad in a woman's horoscope. Prone to jealousy, love affairs, short-term partnerships. Interest in occult societies; a tendency toward accidents, especially those involving explosions and natural calamities.

MOON Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.16 degrees.
Aspect strength = 71.08%
This is a Super Aspect and the Wisdom Aspect; the native is attracted to seeking the truth. When the aspect is an enhancement, the native usually finds truth in Judeo-Christian values. When the aspect is not an enhancement, the native is usually attracted to non-Judeo-Christian ideas. Generally, the native is highly responsible, faithful, and peace loving, but willing to fight and die for a cause. (Note this is the same interpretation as the Sun/Jupiter except with the moon the emotional side is amplified.)

MOON -135 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.96 degrees.
Aspect strength = 25.91%
The native is subject to sever emotional trauma, but internalizes this, so that intense feelings may erupt violently from time to time. Lack of self-control or self-discipline. Over-sensitive and lacks emotional discrimination. The native is usually prejudiced, because the rational facility is weakened.

MOON Trine-120 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.22 degrees.
Aspect strength = 69.58%
This signifies a strong desire for marriage and children, someone who is highly intuitive and resourceful. It is a female Romance Aspect, and if the native is a woman, all she thinks about is her Prince Charming or meeting one. She feels completely unfulfilled without one in her life.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees VENUS with an error of .12 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.01%
Intelligent; good communicator, deft in articulating a point because this pairing a symbolizes beauty of speech and communication; a beautiful voice and success at singing; good reflexes and coordination; money form sources ruled by mercury, including transportation and transport vehicles, communication and teaching, photography, telecommunications and the equipment thereof, anything that improves or enhances vision.

MERCURY Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of .71 degrees.
Aspect strength = 82.18%
Strong ability to concentrate mentally, and a disciplined mind; mind over body; this pairing represents the profession and study of psychology because it is the study of control of the mind; single-minded and obsessed with achieving a goal; when this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing it can create genius.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.58 degrees.
Aspect strength = 60.61%
** Turbulent Aspect **
It is the most powerful aspect in helping someone to be a charismatic speaker (Evita Person was born with this), writer, or singer. This aspect also promotes a New Age outlook and makes the native highly intelligent, adventuresome, and self-reliant.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of .59 degrees.
Aspect strength = 85.17%
Desire to have control over money and personal relationships, if this paring is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, there is ability to make money; money from discipline, such persons place the value of money higher than the personal life; not stylish and not fashionable, such persons will not dress like the models on the cover of Vogue magazine; sometimes this person is unable to truly love anyone and is generally less emotional than most.

VENUS Semisquare-45 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.46 degrees.
Aspect strength = 63.60%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations: charismatic beauty, love of family and marriage, strong marriage and family orientation, a career involved with making money, love for the New Age and what is a part of the new Age, money from marriage and family, money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love with being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship, resulting and a tendency to fall in love too easily.

MARS -135 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.04 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.89%
The subject has most of the aforementioned traits and qualities, but is somewhat over-forceful, restless and unsettled; hasty and erroneous in judgment, quick in opposition, resentful, irritable, erratic, radical, imprudent, defiant, odd, eccentric, ungovernable, rebellious, fanciful, excitable, enigmatical. Sometimes violent or revolutionary, seeking to throw off all bonds of limitation, restraint, custom and conventionality.
An unfortunate aspect for affairs ruled by the signs and hoses occupied. Danger of imprisonment and liability to violence, accidents, wounds and trouble through firearms, explosions, lightning, fire, wrecks, machinery, vehicles of transportation and electrical devices.
It denotes sudden and unfortunate events which upset prearranged affairs, reversal of plans and changes in objective.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees CHIRON with an error of 2.37 degrees.
Aspect strength = 40.66%
This is one of the most powerful of all aspects, as this Super Aspect provides the native with a fabulous public image and a commanding presence, which instills confidence and wins trust. It foretells a great destiny and career and can result in noteworthy success, ultimate intuitive genius, and success through charisma in anything ruled by Chiron. No matter how powerful and helpful one aspect is, though, there is no substitute for hard work, determination, and tenacity.


SUN Contra-Parallel-180 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.14 degrees.

Aspect strength = 28.81%

** Turbulent Aspect **
This is one of the most powerful aspects that is not a Super Aspect. It helps the native to be noteworthy and or charismatic. If the native also has a Super Aspect formed by Chiron, then he or she can have a hypnotic or mesmerizing influence on most of us. This is also a female Romance Aspect where the native (person born with the aspect), if female, has an unusually intense desire for marriage and children. Such women often marry and have children when they are very young.

MERCURY Parallel-0 degrees MARS with an error of .98 degrees.

Aspect strength = 38.68%

Lightening-fast mind reflexes; energized respiratory capabilities, great for runners; mind over body in that the mind controls the muscles, this pairing provides the ability to quickly learn complicated physical routines such as dance steps; military tactician.

MARS Contra-Parallel-180 degrees CHIRON with an error of .56 degrees.

Aspect strength = 65.15%

** Turbulent Aspect **
One of the Male Sexual Aspects, it creates the ultimate high energy level, generates more pure energy than any other aspect, and rates as a Super Sports Champion Aspect (a term from Astrology Really Works!). But the Chiron -Mars aspect does not help coordination in the way the Venus-Mars aspect does. The native needs aspects that help coordination in order to most beneficially harness the energy this aspect provides. If the aspect in not well used and controlled through moral teachings, there can be constant moral slippage toward excessive aggressiveness, and even belligerency.

JUPITER Parallel-0 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.05 degrees.

Aspect strength = 34.64%

This pairing is that of the two most opposite planets and can produce extreme grace, selflessness and genius; or extreme obsessions paranoia, and dark desires. This is the most complicated aspect to interpret; the native is sometimes enormously successful but is usually unable to handle the power the success brings. So, this aspect ends up making the native a Fallen Angel. Its influences have the strongest of spiritual overtones.

JUPITER Parallel-0 degrees URANUS with an error of .58 degrees.

Aspect strength = 63.65%

Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

SATURN Parallel-0 degrees URANUS with an error of .46 degrees.

Aspect strength = 71.00%

Charismatic and almost hypnotic, commanding and able to move large audiences and even entire nations; if this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, the person has the maximum ability to influence and control audiences, the public, nations, and the world; unconventional; daring to be different; attracted to the counterculture; very independent with an intense dislike of authority; seeking change for the sake of change as opposed to any particular ideas, even though doctrines, will be professed; desire to dominate and control the populace or segments of it, with the ability to do so through charisma; intensely egotistical; this is the single strongest pairing in providing someone with the ability to move the public and change the world.

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