Description: Bertrand Delanoë, French politician

Natal Date: 1950-05-30

Planetary Positions:

Sun 68.03 21.66
Moon 226.26 -19.88
Mercury 48.74 13.83
Venus 27.04 8.46
Mars 175.87 2.42
Jupiter 336.22 -10.11
Saturn 162.77 8.70
Uranus 93.53 23.67
Neptune 194.77 -4.31
Pluto 136.00 23.78
North Node 4.22 1.68
South Node 184.22 -1.68
Apogee 45.33 19.67
Perigee 225.33 -16.44
Chiron 259.42 -17.20
Pholus 300.14 -20.10
Ceres 253.86 -19.87
Pallas 213.61 26.36
Juno 169.88 8.43

Sun Sign

In Gemini the Sun makes the native sympathetic, kind-hearted, affectionate, fond of home and children and easily influenced by kindness, at times to his detriment. Is sensitive, intuitional, and idealistic. Fond of science and as a rule studious and usually endowed with great imaginative ability. Possesses and active mind and can be relied upon to ac t quickly in an emergency. Is an experimenter and investigator, quick reasoner, generally a good writer; likes to be busy and can engage in two or more occupations at once but must be allowed to work in his own way. Changeful, inquiring, doubtful nature, hard to understand but versatile, alert, dexterous and skillful. Is ambitious, aspiring and loves change and diversity.
Mercury is the planetary ruler of the sign Gemini.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.81 degrees.
Aspect strength = 54.84%
Threatens financial setbacks through miscalculation in investments, speculation, errors in business, litigation; imprudent, premature action, often based on bad advice; a good aspect of the Moon will help to moderate this, but misfortune tends to prevail, often due to a false sense of security or outright bad judgment; absent careful reasoning or forethought; bombastic; irritable; fond of extravagant display.

MOON Opposite-180 degrees MERCURY with an error of 2.48 degrees.
Aspect strength = 38.06%
Anxiety, worry, quick, sharp, turbulent and sarcastic states of mind. Impressionable, mutable, imaginative, indecisive, speculative and over-sensitive. Tendency to change, not enough continuity, fixity, firmness and stability of mental attitudes. Poor memory for dates and facts in history. Nevertheless, dexterous, ingenious, or clever, and possesses many good qualities. Temporary derangements of the health through the nervous system, stomach or bowels. Unsuccessful or unpopular writing; public criticism. Business losses, litigation.

MOON -135 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.27 degrees.
Aspect strength = 43.22%
Unfortunate changes, journeys and removals. Impulsive, sarcastic, abrupt, peculiar, electric and independent; danger on or the near the water; trouble through the opposite sex, difficulties, annoyance and possibly separations; troubles through Occult affairs and unreliable friends. Not good for health, tending to upset the stomach and digestion, causing mental disturbance of different kinds, sudden or peculiar changes in feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes. Restless, active mind, ever desirous of new scenes, new working material and surroundings; cannot stand limitations. It usually produces extremes and reversals.

MOON Semisextile-30 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.49 degrees.
Aspect strength = 62.66%
Inclines to success in things ruled by Neptune and as indicated by the sign and house it occupies; good for boating, swimming, shipping, dealing in liquids, choice food stuffs, canned goods, delicacies and things calculated to please the tastes of the public. Strong inspirational and imaging faculty; mediumistic qualities; fond of investigating Spiritualism, psychicism and the mysterious in nature, or some form of the Occult. Would make a good psychometrist, having active emotions and impressionability. If Venus or Mercury is also in good aspect it shows inspiration for art, music, singing, writing, speaking or acting.

MOON Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of .26 degrees.
Aspect strength = 93.46%
The native is subject to sever emotional trauma, but internalizes this, so that intense feelings may erupt violently from time to time. Lack of self-control or self-discipline. Over-sensitive and lacks emotional discrimination. The native is usually prejudiced, because the rational facility is weakened.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees URANUS with an error of .21 degrees.
Aspect strength = 94.84%
Active mentality; impulsive, irregular and sarcastic turns of mind; very observant, ingenious and critical; unsuccessful in literary pursuits; public criticism probably through the press; difficulty through societies, friends and kindred. Skeptical and peculiar; a reformer's spirit and extreme or radical ideas; constant desire for new fields or modes of action; sudden and unexpected adverse changes and removals. Restless, dissatisfied, discontented, daring, audacious, defiant, adventurous. Subject to accidents, especially in travel.

MERCURY Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.74 degrees.
Aspect strength = 31.51%
Snap judgments made; ideas are grasped quickly but the native shows impatience with others who do not think the same manner. Skepticism and cynicism may turn into fanaticism, and obsession. Mental turmoil causes physical disorders. An inner restlessness may drive the native to obsessive search for new knowledge and Occult information. Preoccupation with death.

MERCURY Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees CHIRON with an error of .68 degrees.
Aspect strength = 83.07%
It is the most powerful aspect in helping someone to be a charismatic speaker (Evita Person was born with this), writer, or singer. This aspect also promotes a New Age outlook and makes the native highly intelligent, adventuresome, and self-reliant.

VENUS Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees MARS with an error of 1.17 degrees.
Aspect strength = 70.77%
Grace of motion because Venus rules grace and beauty, and Mars rules the muscles, energy, actions and movement; harmonious energy; abundant energy; money from whatever is ruled by Mars, including athletics and sports, war and the military, weaponry, the development and maintenance of muscles and the body; love of war because Mars rules war and Venus rules desire.

VENUS -135 degrees SATURN with an error of .73 degrees.
Aspect strength = 81.87%
Disappointment and trouble in courtship and marriage or partnership; censure, unpopularity, disapproval, interference, reversal, or misfortunes through elders, parents or relatives Danger through deception, avariciousness, sensuality, jealousy and theft.
Sorrows and difficulties through the opposite sex; marriage probably delayed until the twenty-eighth year or after; trouble through difference in age, social or pecuniary affairs or illness.
Diplomatic nature; liability to business losses; also through speculation, investments, lands, mines, companies, bank, drug, depressions or epidemics; loss of accounts or salary.

JUPITER Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 32.77%
Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

SATURN Semisextile-30 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2. degrees.
Aspect strength = 49.95%
Like Saturn + Uranus, this pairing represents unhappiness with prevailing mores or accepted beliefs and the status quo, but here, there is the desire to change public views and ideas with the fervent wish to instill a particular set of his/her own values and doctrines, but always with the willingness to bring about change in a nonviolent fashion; ability to innovate the arts and create new art forms.

URANUS Semisquare-45 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.53 degrees.
Aspect strength = 36.67%
An intellectual approach to the mysterious aspects of life. Original and inventive.

NEPTUNE Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.23 degrees.
Aspect strength = 69.20%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.


VENUS Parallel-0 degrees SATURN with an error of .24 degrees.

Aspect strength = 84.88%

Desire to have control over money and personal relationships, if this paring is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, there is ability to make money; money from discipline, such persons place the value of money higher than the personal life; not stylish and not fashionable, such persons will not dress like the models on the cover of Vogue magazine; sometimes this person is unable to truly love anyone and is generally less emotional than most.

URANUS Parallel-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of .12 degrees.

Aspect strength = 92.76%

Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

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