Description: Adrienne Rich, American writer

Natal Date: 1929-05-16

Planetary Positions:

Sun 54.64 18.94
Moon 146.27 17.72
Mercury 76.47 25.09
Venus 22.01 9.15
Mars 121.59 21.44
Jupiter 53.58 17.91
Saturn 269.49 -22.22
Uranus 9.91 3.30
Neptune 148.60 12.52
Pluto 106.63 21.93
North Node 51.12 18.04
South Node 231.12 -18.04
Apogee 269.30 -26.63
Perigee 89.30 23.45
Chiron 40.81 13.84
Pholus 272.33 -11.14
Ceres 36.20 7.71
Pallas 359.93 4.45
Juno 229.33 -1.96

Sun Sign

In Taurus the Sun makes the native self-reliant, determined, persistent, stable, firm, careful and cautious. Taurians fear pain. They seem patient and will wait a long time for their plans to mature; gentle when unprovoked but furious when angered and then headstrong and unyielding; secretive and reserved with latent energy and mental power; practical and constructive. Lover of nature, art, music, literature and amusement. Are usually capable of becoming psychics, mediums and healers. Make good public servants, officials and splendid executive workers. Venus is the planetary ruler of the sign Taurus.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Square-90 degrees MOON with an error of 1.63 degrees.
Aspect strength = 59.33%
A tendency toward lethargy; difficulty in keeping a job; wavering; indecisive; over-sensitivity; a conjunction with the Sun is especially troubling, signaling ill-health, especially where a woman is concerned; financial insecurity.

SUN Semisextile-30 degrees VENUS with an error of 2.63 degrees.
Aspect strength = 34.23%
A person of beauty or charm, a model or someone who could be model; a comedian because Venus rules sense of humor; a person with the ability to handle wealth because Venus rules movable possessions; a fashion designer because Venus also rules fashion; a person who is loved by the public or is very appealing and idolized by the public; also can represent love of self.

SUN Conjunct-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.06 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.53%
Gifted in the professions ruled by Jupiter, including education, law, and publishing; given to philanthropy; a very fortunate person; a spirit of abundance and generosity, tempered by wisdom; a skilled negotiator and arbitrator; a tactful person; a very skilled planner; patient; leaves little to chance; an inspiring leader and a champion; willing to die for a cause, yet a person of peace; someone who will not rock the boat except to address egregious grievances; a good family person; someone who is responsible and honorable.

SUN Semisquare-45 degrees URANUS with an error of .27 degrees.
Aspect strength = 93.26%
Hope for a good aspect with other planets, in order to moderate extreme manifestations of the following: A tendency toward broken promises, separation, and even scandalous betrayal of marital vows, especially where a bad aspect with Venus exists. Averse to long-term ties in general; tendency toward impulsive, erratic action; fond of risk-taking, in business and romance. Particularly bad in a woman's horoscope. Prone to jealousy, love affairs, short-term partnerships. Interest in occult societies; a tendency toward accidents, especially those involving explosions and natural calamities.

MOON Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 2.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 32.86%
Unfortunate for speculations, games of chance and risky ventures. Loss through misplaced confidence, loans, deception, dishonesty, excess, lack of candor, concealment of motives, irresolution, wrong judgment, either or self or by others. Trouble through changes and voyages; likelihood of slander and false accusations. Sever illness, misunderstanding or separation from the mother. Rather and adverse aspect for health generally, giving liability to derangement of the stomach and liver, blood disorders and tumorous growths. An unfortunate aspect for health in a woman's chart.

MOON -135 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.36 degrees.
Aspect strength = 66.07%
Unfortunate changes, journeys and removals. Impulsive, sarcastic, abrupt, peculiar, electric and independent; danger on or the near the water; trouble through the opposite sex, difficulties, annoyance and possibly separations; troubles through Occult affairs and unreliable friends. Not good for health, tending to upset the stomach and digestion, causing mental disturbance of different kinds, sudden or peculiar changes in feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes. Restless, active mind, ever desirous of new scenes, new working material and surroundings; cannot stand limitations. It usually produces extremes and reversals.

MOON Conjunct-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.33 degrees.
Aspect strength = 41.67%
Inclines to success in things ruled by Neptune and as indicated by the sign and house it occupies; good for boating, swimming, shipping, dealing in liquids, choice food stuffs, canned goods, delicacies and things calculated to please the tastes of the public. Strong inspirational and imaging faculty; mediumistic qualities; fond of investigating Spiritualism, psychicism and the mysterious in nature, or some form of the Occult. Would make a good psychometrist, having active emotions and impressionability. If Venus or Mercury is also in good aspect it shows inspiration for art, music, singing, writing, speaking or acting.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees MARS with an error of .11 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.16%
Good intellectual powers; the mind is acute, shrewd, clever and sharp. The disposition I s impulsive, forceful, quick-tempered, sarcastic, argumentative, resentful and impatient; the mind is fired with desires, but has not enough continuity, the aspect being separative rather than unifying.
The subject possesses great mental activity and is therefore liable to brain troubles through over-work, excitement or lack of suitable opportunity for expression of his particular ability, which results in irritability and periods of weariness or exhaustion, and disorganization of the stomach and digestive organs.
Apt to create enmity, opposition and disagreements through sharp, critical statements or impulsive actions. Likely to meet with difficulty through relatives, superiors, servants and neighbors. Losses through theft, risky enterprises, correspondence, contract, litigation, carelessness with facts, hasty conclusions and criticism.
Danger through traveling, tools, machinery, instruments and electrical contrivances; also drugs, operation, wounds from insects, reptiles and small animals.
This aspect indicates difficulties, obstacles and disorganization through things rule by the signs and houses occupied by Mars especially. Trouble through neuralgia, headaches, and accidents. The aspect is a worse form water sign, usually showing tendency to drink and other ruinous habits.

MERCURY Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of .16 degrees.
Aspect strength = 96.10%
Business skills; political skills; good at debating; commanding, forceful, domineering speaker, able to rouse an audience; business tactician; power broker; a voice and /or mind that commands attention, and demands attention; Pluto can elevate the mind and voice through this pairing.

VENUS Semisextile-30 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.57 degrees.
Aspect strength = 60.70%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

MARS Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees SATURN with an error of 2.09 degrees.
Aspect strength = 47.66%
This pairing can mean control of war and is a pairing of someone who is a pacifist or is unwilling to be confrontational; but this can also be a pairing indicative of obsessive desires and sustained energy.

MARS Semisextile-30 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.99 degrees.
Aspect strength = 25.37%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

JUPITER Semisquare-45 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.33 degrees.
Aspect strength = 66.80%
Broad scope of mind and originality of thought with interesting, surprising or unique logic and manner of reasoning.
Loss through impulse, unwise judgment and imprudent action, risky ventures, unpremeditated acts.
Through unfortunate decision, changes and events the subject is hindered and delayed. Or deprived of the achievement of this highest ambitions. Troubles and losses by litigation; annoyance and difficulty over inheritance or property.
It threatens sudden, unexpected and heavy losses by acts of nature, through friends, governmental or legal decrees, misinformation, wrong advice, misjudgment.

SATURN Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .89 degrees.
Aspect strength = 77.71%
Like Saturn + Uranus, this pairing represents unhappiness with prevailing mores or accepted beliefs and the status quo, but here, there is the desire to change public views and ideas with the fervent wish to instill a particular set of his/her own values and doctrines, but always with the willingness to bring about change in a nonviolent fashion; ability to innovate the arts and create new art forms.

URANUS Semisextile-30 degrees CHIRON with an error of .9 degrees.
Aspect strength = 77.52%
This is a very powerful and helpful aspect, but unfortunately, it occurs too rarely (about every five years). It is most helpful when the native directs the aspect to achieve great fame and success in an area ruled by Chiron or Uranus. A person with this aspect has the ultimate in hypnotic charisma.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.02 degrees.

Aspect strength = 36.00%

Gifted in the professions ruled by Jupiter, including education, law, and publishing; given to philanthropy; a very fortunate person; a spirit of abundance and generosity, tempered by wisdom; a skilled negotiator and arbitrator; a tactful person; a very skilled planner; patient; leaves little to chance; an inspiring leader and a champion; willing to die for a cause, yet a person of peace; someone who will not rock the boat except to address egregious grievances; a good family person; someone who is responsible and honorable.

MOON Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of .2 degrees.

Aspect strength = 87.69%

This is a Super Aspect and the Wisdom Aspect; the native is attracted to seeking the truth. When the aspect is an enhancement, the native usually finds truth in Judeo-Christian values. When the aspect is not an enhancement, the native is usually attracted to non-Judeo-Christian ideas. Generally, the native is highly responsible, faithful, and peace loving, but willing to fight and die for a cause. (Note this is the same interpretation as the Sun/Jupiter except with the moon the emotional side is amplified.)

MARS Contra-Parallel-180 degrees SATURN with an error of .78 degrees.

Aspect strength = 51.01%

The mind and senses act in conflict, causing discord, selfishness, quick temper, violence; rash, hasty, impulsive acts; deception, resentment, cruel, hard or revengeful feelings when opposed.
Trouble with parts of the body denoted by the signs occupied by the afflicted planets. Feverish complaints, wounds, falls and accidents; danger of violence through enemies, reptiles, animals, riots, strikes, uprisings, revolutions, accident, war or state. Notoriety, reversals, criticism, opposition, enmity, scandal, discredit, obstacles and difficulty in occupation, danger of loss and failure in business. An unfortunate aspect for parents, denoting death, separation or disputes; bad for legacies; difficulties with compani3es, partnerships or in marriage. Liable to imprisonment.
If either planet is well aspected and well located by sign, much of the above is mitigated, but notice the houses which they occupy, as they indicate trouble for the things ruled thereby.

MARS Parallel-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of .49 degrees.

Aspect strength = 69.33%

Supercharged energy; powerful muscles; this paring is a strong energizer of power and big business (the Mars enhancement of Pluto is very nearly a Super Aspect); obsessive.

SATURN Contra-Parallel-180 degrees PLUTO with an error of .29 degrees.

Aspect strength = 81.68%

As with other negative Pluto aspects; jealousy, lust, dominance. The native strives for personal power and may withdraw himself from normal human contacts in order to achieve this aim. Destructive tendencies. Frustrated drives. Dishonesty regarding emotional interaction. Miscalculations of desire.

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