Description: Sam Nicholl, Baseball Player

Natal Date: 1869-04-20

Planetary Positions:

Sun 29.94 11.46
Moon 124.70 18.35
Mercury 19.51 6.11
Venus 24.85 8.50
Mars 138.54 17.58
Jupiter 27.93 9.78
Saturn 256.68 -21.07
Uranus 103.71 23.16
Neptune 17.50 5.41
Pluto 46.14 2.32
North Node 132.92 16.95
South Node 312.92 -16.95
Apogee 345.10 -8.40
Perigee 165.10 5.87
Chiron 1.64 3.59
Pholus 311.71 -22.54
Ceres 17.44 0.04
Pallas 351.14 3.13
Juno 305.01 -7.09

Sun Sign

In Aries the Sun gives much mental energy and quick wit, Natives of this sign are natural leaders, more or less headstrong or impulsive, ambitious, full of enterprise and new ideas. They do not like to be under the direction of a master and are inclined to be fiery and quick tempered, quick to resent abuse or imposition, but forgiving and do not hold a grudge long. Their great love of freedom and justice, coupled with their enthusiasm and self-will, makes them liable to go to extremes through indignation, hasty speech or lack of discretion. They possess penetrating will power are persistent, determined and not easily discouraged. Are philosophical by nature, admire scientific thought and are at their best when at the head of things, such as director, instructor, superintendent or manager. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Aries.

Sun on Cusp of Sign

In Taurus the Sun makes the native self-reliant, determined, persistent, stable, firm, careful and cautious. Taurians fear pain. They seem patient and will wait a long time for their plans to mature; gentle when unprovoked but furious when angered and then headstrong and unyielding; secretive and reserved with latent energy and mental power; practical and constructive. Lover of nature, art, music, literature and amusement. Are usually capable of becoming psychics, mediums and healers. Make good public servants, officials and splendid executive workers. Venus is the planetary ruler of the sign Taurus.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Conjunct-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of 2.02 degrees.
Aspect strength = 49.57%
Gifted in the professions ruled by Jupiter, including education, law, and publishing; given to philanthropy; a very fortunate person; a spirit of abundance and generosity, tempered by wisdom; a skilled negotiator and arbitrator; a tactful person; a very skilled planner; patient; leaves little to chance; an inspiring leader and a champion; willing to die for a cause, yet a person of peace; someone who will not rock the boat except to address egregious grievances; a good family person; someone who is responsible and honorable.

SUN -135 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.74 degrees.
Aspect strength = 56.53%
Indicates derangement of the health, the nature of the illness threatened can be seen by the signs which the Sun and Saturn occupy. It is bad for business affairs, especially of the kind signified by the two planets. Obstacles, limitation, hindrance and delays, cause disappointment, sorrows and losses. The ambitions are thwarted, sometimes the native seems to be getting along splendidly, success seems close and sure, but suddenly inevitable conditions and reverses arise, resulting in downfall and loss. The native incurs opposition, enmity, jealousy and public disfavor.
All of these things indicate a tendency to become unsympathetic, or careless of the feelings of others, selfish, pessimistic, skeptical, or disinterested in social and economic welfare.
It indicates death of the father, disagreement or separation from him, enmity or disfavor of superiors, employers or those of high position; unfortunate marital affairs.
In a woman's horoscope this aspect signifies a denial of marriage or delay. Also indicates death of the husband or marriage to a widower. These marriages are seldom-happy ones, the husband usually being domineering, exacting, selfish, or inclined to illness and misfortune.
If Saturn is in a water sign, the parent is liable to be given to drink or other dissolute habits.

SUN Semisextile-30 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 57.68%
This is one of the most powerful aspects that is not a Super Aspect. It helps the native to be noteworthy and or charismatic. If the native also has a Super Aspect formed by Chiron, then he or she can have a hypnotic or mesmerizing influence on most of us. This is also a female Romance Aspect where the native (person born with the aspect), if female, has an unusually intense desire for marriage and children. Such women often marry and have children when they are very young.

MERCURY Trine-120 degrees MARS with an error of .97 degrees.
Aspect strength = 75.74%
Lightening-fast mind reflexes; energized respiratory capabilities, great for runners; mind over body in that the mind controls the muscles, this pairing provides the ability to quickly learn complicated physical routines such as dance steps; military tactician.

MERCURY Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of 2.83 degrees.
Aspect strength = 29.18%
Strong ability to concentrate mentally, and a disciplined mind; mind over body; this pairing represents the profession and study of psychology because it is the study of control of the mind; single-minded and obsessed with achieving a goal; when this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing it can create genius.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.01 degrees.
Aspect strength = 49.67%
Artistic voice, talented at singing; artistic, creative and productive mind; musical genius; natural acting skills, particularly the ability to deliver lines with skill; poetic speech; ability to write original books, poetry and music with inspiration; dramatic communicator; innovative ideas bordering on, or equal to, genius.

MARS Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.86 degrees.
Aspect strength = 53.44%
This pairing can mean control of war and is a pairing of someone who is a pacifist or is unwilling to be confrontational; but this can also be a pairing indicative of obsessive desires and sustained energy.

MARS Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.04 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.92%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

MARS Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.41 degrees.
Aspect strength = 39.77%
The capacity for violence lies just beneath the surface and often overwhelms the native. Lack of purpose causes inner turbulence and restlessness which may lead to irrational acts. The native has trouble controlling his impulses, and has difficulty living in a structured society. Sadistic tendencies. The native should learn to carefully analyze his reasons for taking actions of any sort.

MARS -135 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.91 degrees.
Aspect strength = 52.29%
** Turbulent Aspect **
One of the Male Sexual Aspects, it creates the ultimate high energy level, generates more pure energy than any other aspect, and rates as a Super Sports Champion Aspect (a term from Astrology Really Works!). But the Chiron -Mars aspect does not help coordination in the way the Venus-Mars aspect does. The native needs aspects that help coordination in order to most beneficially harness the energy this aspect provides. If the aspect in not well used and controlled through moral teachings, there can be constant moral slippage toward excessive aggressiveness, and even belligerency.

SATURN Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.97 degrees.
Aspect strength = 25.67%
Charismatic and almost hypnotic, commanding and able to move large audiences and even entire nations; if this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, the person has the maximum ability to influence and control audiences, the public, nations, and the world; unconventional; daring to be different; attracted to the counterculture; very independent with an intense dislike of authority; seeking change for the sake of change as opposed to any particular ideas, even though doctrines, will be professed; desire to dominate and control the populace or segments of it, with the ability to do so through charisma; intensely egotistical; this is the single strongest pairing in providing someone with the ability to move the public and change the world.

SATURN Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .82 degrees.
Aspect strength = 79.52%
Like Saturn + Uranus, this pairing represents unhappiness with prevailing mores or accepted beliefs and the status quo, but here, there is the desire to change public views and ideas with the fervent wish to instill a particular set of his/her own values and doctrines, but always with the willingness to bring about change in a nonviolent fashion; ability to innovate the arts and create new art forms.

SATURN Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees PLUTO with an error of .55 degrees.
Aspect strength = 86.33%
Burning desire for monumental and enforced change; ability to overhaul and drastically change and dominate a profession, industry, field, or area; this pairing is different from the Saturn + Neptune paring because with this pairing, there is the strong willingness and desire to bring about change in any way deemed necessary and at any cost, including violence if there are also Saturn aspects to Mars in the subject's chart.

URANUS Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.43 degrees.
Aspect strength = 39.34%
Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

NEPTUNE Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.37 degrees.
Aspect strength = 65.85%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.

PLUTO Semisquare-45 degrees CHIRON with an error of .5 degrees.
Aspect strength = 87.48%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a Super Aspect. Interpretations: noteworthy success, a highly profitable career, power from marriage or the family, and a person of power and vision.


MOON Parallel-0 degrees MARS with an error of .77 degrees.

Aspect strength = 51.97%

A person with ambitious goals and the drive to achieve them; implacable, an enthusiastic person, given to hard work and intense relationships, usually with a strong sexual element; highly emotion-driven; excels at physically demanding work.

MERCURY Parallel-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .7 degrees.

Aspect strength = 56.12%

Artistic voice, talented at singing; artistic, creative and productive mind; musical genius; natural acting skills, particularly the ability to deliver lines with skill; poetic speech; ability to write original books, poetry and music with inspiration; dramatic communicator; innovative ideas bordering on, or equal to, genius.

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