Description: Sean Murray, Irish footballer

Natal Date: 1993-10-11

Planetary Positions:

Sun 197.70 -6.94
Moon 135.28 11.59
Mercury 222.36 -18.07
Venus 173.81 3.78
Mars 219.48 -14.72
Jupiter 203.45 -8.11
Saturn 323.88 -15.00
Uranus 288.31 -22.65
Neptune 288.41 -21.53
Pluto 234.00 -5.36
North Node 245.44 -21.21
South Node 65.44 21.21
Apogee 10.19 7.92
Perigee 190.19 -4.04
Chiron 154.67 4.66
Pholus 150.94 21.42
Ceres 32.04 0.04
Pallas 323.19 -1.29
Juno 179.80 0.57

Sun Sign

In Libra the Sun gives love of justice, peace and harmony. The native is courteous, pleasant, agreeable and as a rule even tempered, affectionate, sympathetic and sensitive to surroundings and conditions of friends. Is a natural peacemaker, just, kind, amiable and generous. Modest, neat, particular; loves art, refined pleasure and amusements; artistic and dislikes unclean work. Is intuitive and has objective foresight. Usually marries young and generally more than once.
Venus is the planetary ruler of the sign Libra.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Sextile-60 degrees MOON with an error of 2.42 degrees.
Aspect strength = 39.61%
Energetic and driven; ambitious; possesses qualities that enhance relationships, including loyalty and sensitivity; mutual understanding; strong maternal instinct; domestic; cheerfully serene; enjoys good health; musically inclined; prosperous, especially where a good aspect from Jupiter exists.

SUN Square-90 degrees URANUS with an error of .61 degrees.
Aspect strength = 84.73%
Hope for a good aspect with other planets, in order to moderate extreme manifestations of the following: A tendency toward broken promises, separation, and even scandalous betrayal of marital vows, especially where a bad aspect with Venus exists. Averse to long-term ties in general; tendency toward impulsive, erratic action; fond of risk-taking, in business and romance. Particularly bad in a woman's horoscope. Prone to jealousy, love affairs, short-term partnerships. Interest in occult societies; a tendency toward accidents, especially those involving explosions and natural calamities.

SUN Square-90 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .71 degrees.
Aspect strength = 82.16%
Unstable, with a tendency toward discord in relationships; lacking determination; often given to weird relationships, desires; sapped of vitality; robust health and longevity turns to poor health and hospitalization due to ailment of undeterminable nature or origin; creative vision turns to preoccupation with the mysterious; confusion; absence of clear thought; lax morality; vulnerable to fraud, deception; frequent misunderstandings, loss of trust.

SUN Semisquare-45 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.98 degrees.
Aspect strength = 50.59%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is one of the most powerful aspects that is not a Super Aspect. It helps the native to be noteworthy and or charismatic. If the native also has a Super Aspect formed by Chiron, then he or she can have a hypnotic or mesmerizing influence on most of us. This is also a female Romance Aspect where the native (person born with the aspect), if female, has an unusually intense desire for marriage and children. Such women often marry and have children when they are very young.

MOON Square-90 degrees MERCURY with an error of 2.92 degrees.
Aspect strength = 26.89%
Anxiety, worry, quick, sharp, turbulent and sarcastic states of mind. Impressionable, mutable, imaginative, indecisive, speculative and over-sensitive. Tendency to change, not enough continuity, fixity, firmness and stability of mental attitudes. Poor memory for dates and facts in history. Nevertheless, dexterous, ingenious, or clever, and possesses many good qualities. Temporary derangements of the health through the nervous system, stomach or bowels. Unsuccessful or unpopular writing; public criticism. Business losses, litigation.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees MARS with an error of 2.88 degrees.
Aspect strength = 28.09%
Lightening-fast mind reflexes; energized respiratory capabilities, great for runners; mind over body in that the mind controls the muscles, this pairing provides the ability to quickly learn complicated physical routines such as dance steps; military tactician.

VENUS Semisquare-45 degrees MARS with an error of .67 degrees.
Aspect strength = 83.32%
Very fond of pleasure; impulsive and amorous; difficulty through excesses and the opposite sex.
Loss through over-liberal tendencies or carelessness and extravagance; also through fires, partnerships and too freely entering business or speculative enterprises.
At times the social popularity or standing will be adversely affected; danger through dishonesty or loss; opposition through friends or jealousy, separation and enmity. Trouble through marriage and partnerships.
If Venus or Mars were in a water sign, the tendency is to gratify the tastes and pleasurable emotions in dissipating habits.

VENUS Semisextile-30 degrees JUPITER with an error of .36 degrees.
Aspect strength = 90.89%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

VENUS Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees SATURN with an error of .07 degrees.
Aspect strength = 98.29%
Desire to have control over money and personal relationships, if this paring is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, there is ability to make money; money from discipline, such persons place the value of money higher than the personal life; not stylish and not fashionable, such persons will not dress like the models on the cover of Vogue magazine; sometimes this person is unable to truly love anyone and is generally less emotional than most.

VENUS Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of .19 degrees.
Aspect strength = 95.35%
Sex symbol and love of sexuality; power from beauty; love of power; money from sources ruled by Pluto, including big business, power, atomic energy and the nuclear bomb, sex and competition, gambling; money from taking risk, including gambling, investing for trading profits; love of risk because Pluto rules risk; Pluto also rules elevated gifts, and this pairing would mean heightened, or even irresistible, beauty, and money from elevated talent.

JUPITER Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of .43 degrees.
Aspect strength = 89.19%
This pairing is that of the two most opposite planets and can produce extreme grace, selflessness and genius; or extreme obsessions paranoia, and dark desires. This is the most complicated aspect to interpret; the native is sometimes enormously successful but is usually unable to handle the power the success brings. So, this aspect ends up making the native a Fallen Angel. Its influences have the strongest of spiritual overtones.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of .55 degrees.
Aspect strength = 86.24%
More than any other pairing, this one symbolizes super success; super powerful; super rich; unbelievably fortunate; remarkably enterprising we know that Pluto rules power, but it also rules elevated talent and gifts and is an enhancer, so this pairing also means being incredibly talented (which makes sense because how else can you have power?).

SATURN Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of .12 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.06%
As with other negative Pluto aspects; jealousy, lust, dominance. The native strives for personal power and may withdraw himself from normal human contacts in order to achieve this aim. Destructive tendencies. Frustrated drives. Dishonesty regarding emotional interaction. Miscalculations of desire.

URANUS Conjunct-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .1 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.43%
Ability to present artistic talent to the world, and to perform to large audience, this is a common pairing for performers in the entertainment industry; ability to bring new ideas to the world, including new religious ideas, scientific notions, and any idea that is innovative or creative; for athletes, this is an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, ESPECIALLY IF THE OTHER PAIRING INCLDUES Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

URANUS -135 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.37 degrees.
Aspect strength = 65.86%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a very powerful and helpful aspect, but unfortunately, it occurs too rarely (about every five years). It is most helpful when the native directs the aspect to achieve great fame and success in an area ruled by Chiron or Uranus. A person with this aspect has the ultimate in hypnotic charisma.

NEPTUNE -135 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.26 degrees.
Aspect strength = 68.43%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a Cinderella aspect. Interpretations: long-term financial security through marriage, long-term family ties, long-term charisma, lasting noteworthiness, New Age ideas and inspirations, and becoming a real live Cinderella. It works on men, also. Since Neptune is the most feminine planet, this aspect imparts a soft, feminine charisma that is very appealing. Princess Diana was born with this aspect. It is also a Romance Aspect. The native believes in real-life Cinderellas and dreams about marrying a form of royalty.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.17 degrees.

Aspect strength = 27.04%

Gifted in the professions ruled by Jupiter, including education, law, and publishing; given to philanthropy; a very fortunate person; a spirit of abundance and generosity, tempered by wisdom; a skilled negotiator and arbitrator; a tactful person; a very skilled planner; patient; leaves little to chance; an inspiring leader and a champion; willing to die for a cause, yet a person of peace; someone who will not rock the boat except to address egregious grievances; a good family person; someone who is responsible and honorable.

VENUS Parallel-0 degrees CHIRON with an error of .88 degrees.

Aspect strength = 45.23%

This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations: charismatic beauty, love of family and marriage, strong marriage and family orientation, a career involved with making money, love for the New Age and what is a part of the new Age, money from marriage and family, money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love with being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship, resulting and a tendency to fall in love too easily.

MARS Parallel-0 degrees SATURN with an error of .27 degrees.

Aspect strength = 82.92%

This pairing can mean control of war and is a pairing of someone who is a pacifist or is unwilling to be confrontational; but this can also be a pairing indicative of obsessive desires and sustained energy.

URANUS Parallel-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.12 degrees.

Aspect strength = 30.08%

Ability to present artistic talent to the world, and to perform to large audience, this is a common pairing for performers in the entertainment industry; ability to bring new ideas to the world, including new religious ideas, scientific notions, and any idea that is innovative or creative; for athletes, this is an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, ESPECIALLY IF THE OTHER PAIRING INCLDUES Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

PLUTO Contra-Parallel-180 degrees CHIRON with an error of .7 degrees.

Aspect strength = 56.24%

** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a Super Aspect. Interpretations: noteworthy success, a highly profitable career, power from marriage or the family, and a person of power and vision.

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