Description: Thomas Chipman McRae, American politician (d. 1929)

Natal Date: 1851-12-21

Planetary Positions:

Sun 268.58 -23.45
Moon 247.76 -18.32
Mercury 288.60 -23.69
Venus 288.76 -23.51
Mars 133.75 19.95
Jupiter 224.80 -15.31
Saturn 27.53 8.18
Uranus 30.57 11.20
Neptune 336.78 -9.81
Pluto 28.94 -4.81
North Node 108.12 22.23
South Node 288.12 -22.23
Apogee 359.95 -4.51
Perigee 179.95 0.02
Chiron 265.89 -17.99
Pholus 287.38 -18.15
Ceres 101.50 27.59
Pallas 31.82 -29.08
Juno 286.59 -14.03

Sun Sign

In Sagittarius the Sun gives a jovial, bright, hopeful, generous and charitable nature: self-reliant, active, enterprising, frank, outspoken, honest, ambitious, persevering and not easily discouraged. Loves liberty, freedom and out-of-doors sports; dislikes a master and will not be driven. Generally ahs a strong will and is sincere, honorable, earnest, aspiring, energetic and what he says goes right to the mark. Shows reverence for philosophy and science, has good calculation and foresight and is usually prophetic as to the outcome of movements or enterprises.

Sun on Cusp of Sign

In Capricorn the Sun gives a quiet, thoughtful, serious nature, deep mind and good reasoning ability; generally practical, economical and given to investigation. Capricorn's act with dignity and self-esteem, are somewhat particular, ambitious and persevering; never entirely discouraged although often disappointed; thorough and hard workers. Careful, cautious, frugal, and make the most of opportunities. Usually meet with some heavy obstacles in the path of desires and progress, yet by dint of persistent, patient and concentrated effort often butt their way through and triumph over circumstances.
Saturn is the planetary ruler of the sign Capricorn.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN -135 degrees MARS with an error of .16 degrees.
Aspect strength = 95.95%
Many ups and down and obstacles in the path of the desires. Impulse, pride and anger cause many difficulties; deaths, separations, litigation and enmities; hasty, fiery temper, through not lasting; ambition, love of enterprise but not enough continuity of application, confidence, faith and patience.
Outspoken, assertive, aggressive, combative, defensive, impulsive, forceful, overbearing, destructive, self-willed, headstrong, audacious and sensual. Loses the esteem of superiors and those in high position. Danger through impulsive action, assaults, quarrels, accidents, fires, fevers, inflammatory complaints, surgical operations, short sudden, sharp attacks of sickness; cuts, burns, scalds.
If Mars is in Capricorn or the Sun dignified it lessens the tendency to rashness, etc…

SUN Semisquare-45 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.22 degrees.
Aspect strength = 69.59%
Threatens financial setbacks through miscalculation in investments, speculation, errors in business, litigation; imprudent, premature action, often based on bad advice; a good aspect of the Moon will help to moderate this, but misfortune tends to prevail, often due to a false sense of security or outright bad judgment; absent careful reasoning or forethought; bombastic; irritable; fond of extravagant display.

SUN Trine-120 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.06 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.57%
People obsessed with domination and control, for this reason they are often atheists because they cannot stand the idea of a higher power than themselves.

SUN Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.98 degrees.
Aspect strength = 50.48%
Attracted to fame; a public personality; an innovative person; original thinker; a thirst for freedom; interest in the occult and all things extraordinary; a person at ease and talented with whatever is ruled by Uranus, including astrology, mass media, entertainment; publicity; usually somewhat iconoclastic and cynical about the status quo; Uranus rules adaptability and change on a grand scale---and globalization; this adaptability if often accompanied by an unwillingness to die for any cause, and a weak sense of patriotism.

SUN Trine-120 degrees PLUTO with an error of .35 degrees.
Aspect strength = 91.16%
A person of tremendous will-power; desire for power and a willingness to do what it takes to obtain it--even at the expense of ethics; a competitor; a person gifted with the skills to excel in things ruled by Pluto, including large-scale enterprises, politics; seldom a follower, single-minded in the pursuit of set goals; often self-centered, with a "me-first" attitude; second best is not an option; highly successful; tendency toward strong sexual attraction.

SUN Conjunct-0 degrees CHIRON with an error of 2.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 32.63%
This is one of the most powerful aspects that is not a Super Aspect. It helps the native to be noteworthy and or charismatic. If the native also has a Super Aspect formed by Chiron, then he or she can have a hypnotic or mesmerizing influence on most of us. This is also a female Romance Aspect where the native (person born with the aspect), if female, has an unusually intense desire for marriage and children. Such women often marry and have children when they are very young.

MOON Square-90 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .98 degrees.
Aspect strength = 75.53%
Threatens fraud, deception or slander; difficulties through things ruled by the house Neptune occupies; misfortune through the opposite sex, delays or obstacles in regard to marriage in a male chart; desire to gratify the tastes which leads to injury of the health, especially if either is in a water sign. Strong inspirational, psychic, emotional and imaging faculty; subtle feelings, quick impressions and eccentric, undefined or unexplainable acts. It attracts to peculiar people, exquisite tastes, luxuries, odd colors, odors and Bohemianism or unconventionality. Impulse is liable to predominate over reason, or through over enthusiasm the feelings may get the upper hand of judgment, leading to acts of indiscretion. Quick response to environmental influences. It affects the nervous or mental health through bodily disorder. In mutable signs it affects the brain and nervous system; in fixed signs, the glandular and secretory processes; in the cardinal signs, the circulatory and absorptive systems.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees VENUS with an error of .17 degrees.
Aspect strength = 95.83%
Intelligent; good communicator, deft in articulating a point because this pairing a symbolizes beauty of speech and communication; a beautiful voice and success at singing; good reflexes and coordination; money form sources ruled by mercury, including transportation and transport vehicles, communication and teaching, photography, telecommunications and the equipment thereof, anything that improves or enhances vision.

MARS Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.05 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.64%
Indicates excessive or impulsive generosity; careless regarding the accumulation of money and apt to suffer form the dishonesty of others. Difficulty through and with religion, religious or political people. Loss through speculation and games of chance.
Suffers from indiscretion, dishonesty, deceit, treachery, broken contracts, desertion, misrepresentation and quarrels.
Often the subject is directly or indirectly the cause of misfortune through hasty judgement, impulsive action, extravagance, dissipation or through carelessness, overconfidence, miscalculation, anger.
Dangerous or difficult journeys, trouble in t foreign places and through legal affairs.
Feverish complaints, blood and liver disorders; danger and loss through fires and accidents, and if Uranus is adverse, through lightning, electricity, floods or explosions.

MARS -135 degrees CHIRON with an error of 2.86 degrees.
Aspect strength = 28.58%
** Turbulent Aspect **
One of the Male Sexual Aspects, it creates the ultimate high energy level, generates more pure energy than any other aspect, and rates as a Super Sports Champion Aspect (a term from Astrology Really Works!). But the Chiron -Mars aspect does not help coordination in the way the Venus-Mars aspect does. The native needs aspects that help coordination in order to most beneficially harness the energy this aspect provides. If the aspect in not well used and controlled through moral teachings, there can be constant moral slippage toward excessive aggressiveness, and even belligerency.

SATURN Conjunct-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.41 degrees.
Aspect strength = 64.73%
Burning desire for monumental and enforced change; ability to overhaul and drastically change and dominate a profession, industry, field, or area; this pairing is different from the Saturn + Neptune paring because with this pairing, there is the strong willingness and desire to bring about change in any way deemed necessary and at any cost, including violence if there are also Saturn aspects to Mars in the subject's chart.

SATURN Trine-120 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.64 degrees.
Aspect strength = 59.07%
This provides the native with the unusual ability to be a force against Judeo-Christian beliefs, morals and family values, and against marriage as an institution. This aspect also gives the native an ability to dominate the destinies of others, for better or worse. The native very often has a desire and ability to destroy marriages and break up families, and is often against the free enterprise economic system, preferring socialism or communism. Because this is a Saturn aspect, a turbulent angle can result in unconventionality. Especially in a woman, the turbulent Saturn-Chiron aspect is the Seclusion Aspect, with the native often living the last decades without a loved one. If a person has this aspect, there is far greater need to be much more careful about any involvement. In any relationship of love, a Romantic Super Linkage is required to offset this natal aspect. Please remember that all other natal aspects must be taken into account when analyzing a chart, and there could be offsetting aspects.

URANUS Conjunct-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.63 degrees.
Aspect strength = 59.32%
Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees MERCURY with an error of .24 degrees.

Aspect strength = 84.89%

Singer or songwriter; natural communicator, orator; radio or television host or commentator; news broadcaster; photographer; for corporations, a company engaged in Mercury ruled businesses including transportation in any of its facets (such as automobile and motorcycle manufacturing), communications, travel, messenger and delivery services.

SUN Parallel-0 degrees VENUS with an error of .06 degrees.

Aspect strength = 96.15%

A person of beauty or charm, a model or someone who could be model; a comedian because Venus rules sense of humor; a person with the ability to handle wealth because Venus rules movable possessions; a fashion designer because Venus also rules fashion; a person who is loved by the public or is very appealing and idolized by the public; also can represent love of self.

MOON Parallel-0 degrees CHIRON with an error of .33 degrees.

Aspect strength = 79.68%

This signifies a strong desire for marriage and children, someone who is highly intuitive and resourceful. It is a female Romance Aspect, and if the native is a woman, all she thinks about is her Prince Charming or meeting one. She feels completely unfulfilled without one in her life.

MERCURY Parallel-0 degrees VENUS with an error of .18 degrees.

Aspect strength = 88.74%

Intelligent; good communicator, deft in articulating a point because this pairing a symbolizes beauty of speech and communication; a beautiful voice and success at singing; good reflexes and coordination; money form sources ruled by mercury, including transportation and transport vehicles, communication and teaching, photography, telecommunications and the equipment thereof, anything that improves or enhances vision.

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