Description: Michael Gove, British politician

Natal Date: 1967-08-26

Planetary Positions:

Sun 152.09 10.73
Moon 37.68 14.77
Mercury 153.44 11.86
Venus 158.23 0.86
Mars 230.43 -19.29
Jupiter 139.30 15.66
Saturn 11.62 2.19
Uranus 173.37 3.29
Neptune 231.72 -16.53
Pluto 169.77 17.43
North Node 30.77 11.74
South Node 210.77 -11.74
Apogee 26.97 10.07
Perigee 206.97 -10.39
Chiron 358.66 2.99
Pholus 322.86 -24.36
Ceres 150.83 17.84
Pallas 123.72 -3.46
Juno 169.90 4.94

Sun Sign

In Virgo the Sun makes the native modest, thoughtful, serious, contemplative and industrious with desire to refine the mind and acquire knowledge. Learns quickly, is philosophical, a good reasoner and usually ahas a good command of language. It gives good endurance, reserve force, quick recuperation and as a rule Virgo's do not show their age. Quick-tempered buy not a fighter, as Virgo prefers arbitration. Loves order, beauty, art and literature. Not easily discouraged or kept down, although somewhat given to worry. Is idealistic yet practical, frugal yet speculative , ingenious, careful, cautious and usually endowed with good forethought. Very active and seldom contented long at a time. Desires wealth but not able, as a rule, to acquire wealth easily. Interested in hygiene, diet and labor conditions.
Mercury is the planetary ruler of the sign Virgo.

Sun on Cusp of Sign

In Leo the Sun gives an active mind, good nature, generosity, many friends. Is a natural leader, ambitious, independent, determined, persistent, industrious, honest and very conscientious; philosophical, philanthropic. Quickly angered but quickly appeased. Has a sunny disposition, is frank, outspoken, candid, forceful and greatly appreciates affection in which he is usually ardent and sincere. Magnetic, intuitive and inventive; fond of children, sports, drama, honors and high office.
The Sun is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Conjunct-0 degrees MERCURY with an error of 1.35 degrees.
Aspect strength = 66.24%
Singer or songwriter; natural communicator, orator; radio or television host or commentator; news broadcaster; photographer; for corporations, a company engaged in Mercury ruled businesses including transportation in any of its facets (such as automobile and motorcycle manufacturing), communications, travel, messenger and delivery services.

MOON Trine-120 degrees VENUS with an error of .54 degrees.
Aspect strength = 86.41%
A highly intuitive person; sensitive; engaging in personality and gifted with a high degree of emotional intelligence; an affinity for natural beauty; easily forms deep personal connections with others; sociable; affectionate; a tidy person, well-mannered; hospitality or real estate are often ideal career choices.

MOON -135 degrees URANUS with an error of .69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 82.71%
Unfortunate changes, journeys and removals. Impulsive, sarcastic, abrupt, peculiar, electric and independent; danger on or the near the water; trouble through the opposite sex, difficulties, annoyance and possibly separations; troubles through Occult affairs and unreliable friends. Not good for health, tending to upset the stomach and digestion, causing mental disturbance of different kinds, sudden or peculiar changes in feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes. Restless, active mind, ever desirous of new scenes, new working material and surroundings; cannot stand limitations. It usually produces extremes and reversals.

MOON -135 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.91 degrees.
Aspect strength = 27.22%
The native is subject to sever emotional trauma, but internalizes this, so that intense feelings may erupt violently from time to time. Lack of self-control or self-discipline. Over-sensitive and lacks emotional discrimination. The native is usually prejudiced, because the rational facility is weakened.

MARS Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.12 degrees.
Aspect strength = 71.88%
Indicates excessive or impulsive generosity; careless regarding the accumulation of money and apt to suffer form the dishonesty of others. Difficulty through and with religion, religious or political people. Loss through speculation and games of chance.
Suffers from indiscretion, dishonesty, deceit, treachery, broken contracts, desertion, misrepresentation and quarrels.
Often the subject is directly or indirectly the cause of misfortune through hasty judgement, impulsive action, extravagance, dissipation or through carelessness, overconfidence, miscalculation, anger.
Dangerous or difficult journeys, trouble in t foreign places and through legal affairs.
Feverish complaints, blood and liver disorders; danger and loss through fires and accidents, and if Uranus is adverse, through lightning, electricity, floods or explosions.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.95 degrees.
Aspect strength = 26.34%
Massive amounts of energy; directs energy to fame; brings war to the world; aggressive; impulsive and impatient. This aspect signifies a great reservoir of physical energy and a special talent in Uranian endeavors and careers. In a man, this aspect is a Sexual Aspect, as well as often indicating a man who desires changes of sexual partners. Mars is the male sex planet, and the Uranian influence tends to cause Mars to fluctuate, thus changing the sexual attractions of the man. If the Personal Aspect is turbulent, the desire for a variation in sex partners is accentuated.

MARS Conjunct-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.29 degrees.
Aspect strength = 67.77%
Stamina; endurance; long-lasting and tireless energy; creative energy; energy directed to creative ideas, artistry, talent and new theories; sexual stamina and relentless desire; symbolic also of long-term war because Mars rules war and Neptune rules longevity.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of .66 degrees.
Aspect strength = 83.59%
Supercharged energy; powerful muscles; this paring is a strong energizer of power and big business (the Mars enhancement of Pluto is very nearly a Super Aspect); obsessive.

JUPITER Square-90 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 2.41 degrees.
Aspect strength = 39.65%
Difficulties and trouble through the affairs and things indicated by the house occupied by Neptune.
Losses through speculation, fraud and treachery; secret sorrows. Peculiar religious benefits, emotional disturbances, uncertain health, danger form the deceit and dishonesty, trouble through water, liquids, drugs, oils, chemicals or beverages. Danger at sea or pleasure resorts.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of .47 degrees.
Aspect strength = 88.29%
More than any other pairing, this one symbolizes super success; super powerful; super rich; unbelievably fortunate; remarkably enterprising we know that Pluto rules power, but it also rules elevated talent and gifts and is an enhancer, so this pairing also means being incredibly talented (which makes sense because how else can you have power?).

URANUS Sextile-60 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.66 degrees.
Aspect strength = 58.58%
Ability to present artistic talent to the world, and to perform to large audience, this is a common pairing for performers in the entertainment industry; ability to bring new ideas to the world, including new religious ideas, scientific notions, and any idea that is innovative or creative; for athletes, this is an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, ESPECIALLY IF THE OTHER PAIRING INCLDUES Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

NEPTUNE Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.95 degrees.
Aspect strength = 51.36%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.


SUN Parallel-0 degrees MERCURY with an error of 1.13 degrees.

Aspect strength = 29.58%

Singer or songwriter; natural communicator, orator; radio or television host or commentator; news broadcaster; photographer; for corporations, a company engaged in Mercury ruled businesses including transportation in any of its facets (such as automobile and motorcycle manufacturing), communications, travel, messenger and delivery services.

MOON Parallel-0 degrees JUPITER with an error of .89 degrees.

Aspect strength = 44.14%

This is a Super Aspect and the Wisdom Aspect; the native is attracted to seeking the truth. When the aspect is an enhancement, the native usually finds truth in Judeo-Christian values. When the aspect is not an enhancement, the native is usually attracted to non-Judeo-Christian ideas. Generally, the native is highly responsible, faithful, and peace loving, but willing to fight and die for a cause. (Note this is the same interpretation as the Sun/Jupiter except with the moon the emotional side is amplified.)

JUPITER Contra-Parallel-180 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .87 degrees.

Aspect strength = 45.64%

Difficulties and trouble through the affairs and things indicated by the house occupied by Neptune.
Losses through speculation, fraud and treachery; secret sorrows. Peculiar religious benefits, emotional disturbances, uncertain health, danger form the deceit and dishonesty, trouble through water, liquids, drugs, oils, chemicals or beverages. Danger at sea or pleasure resorts.

SATURN Parallel-0 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.11 degrees.

Aspect strength = 30.89%

Charismatic and almost hypnotic, commanding and able to move large audiences and even entire nations; if this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, the person has the maximum ability to influence and control audiences, the public, nations, and the world; unconventional; daring to be different; attracted to the counterculture; very independent with an intense dislike of authority; seeking change for the sake of change as opposed to any particular ideas, even though doctrines, will be professed; desire to dominate and control the populace or segments of it, with the ability to do so through charisma; intensely egotistical; this is the single strongest pairing in providing someone with the ability to move the public and change the world.

SATURN Parallel-0 degrees CHIRON with an error of .81 degrees.

Aspect strength = 49.65%

This provides the native with the unusual ability to be a force against Judeo-Christian beliefs, morals and family values, and against marriage as an institution. This aspect also gives the native an ability to dominate the destinies of others, for better or worse. The native very often has a desire and ability to destroy marriages and break up families, and is often against the free enterprise economic system, preferring socialism or communism. Because this is a Saturn aspect, a turbulent angle can result in unconventionality. Especially in a woman, the turbulent Saturn-Chiron aspect is the Seclusion Aspect, with the native often living the last decades without a loved one. If a person has this aspect, there is far greater need to be much more careful about any involvement. In any relationship of love, a Romantic Super Linkage is required to offset this natal aspect. Please remember that all other natal aspects must be taken into account when analyzing a chart, and there could be offsetting aspects.

URANUS Parallel-0 degrees CHIRON with an error of .3 degrees.

Aspect strength = 81.24%

This is a very powerful and helpful aspect, but unfortunately, it occurs too rarely (about every five years). It is most helpful when the native directs the aspect to achieve great fame and success in an area ruled by Chiron or Uranus. A person with this aspect has the ultimate in hypnotic charisma.

NEPTUNE Contra-Parallel-180 degrees PLUTO with an error of .89 degrees.

Aspect strength = 44.21%

** Turbulent Aspect **
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.

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