Description: Atkinson & Alexander publish the Saturday Evening Post for the first time as a weekly newspaper.

Natal Date: 1821-08-04

Planetary Positions:

Sun 131.23 17.43
Moon 198.37 -10.56
Mercury 127.77 13.80
Venus 151.07 12.50
Mars 85.00 23.55
Jupiter 29.82 10.13
Saturn 26.69 7.90
Uranus 269.63 -23.72
Neptune 270.68 -22.34
Pluto 359.64 -15.23
North Node 335.71 -9.43
South Node 155.71 9.43
Apogee 203.76 -12.79
Perigee 23.76 9.23
Chiron 6.36 5.28
Pholus 222.96 6.73
Ceres 236.00 -18.30
Pallas 231.07 19.19
Juno 298.63 -5.50

Sun Sign

In Leo the Sun gives an active mind, good nature, generosity, many friends. Is a natural leader, ambitious, independent, determined, persistent, industrious, honest and very conscientious; philosophical, philanthropic. Quickly angered but quickly appeased. Has a sunny disposition, is frank, outspoken, candid, forceful and greatly appreciates affection in which he is usually ardent and sincere. Magnetic, intuitive and inventive; fond of children, sports, drama, honors and high office.
The Sun is the planetary ruler of the sign Leo.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Semisquare-45 degrees MARS with an error of 1.22 degrees.
Aspect strength = 69.41%
Many ups and down and obstacles in the path of the desires. Impulse, pride and anger cause many difficulties; deaths, separations, litigation and enmities; hasty, fiery temper, through not lasting; ambition, love of enterprise but not enough continuity of application, confidence, faith and patience.
Outspoken, assertive, aggressive, combative, defensive, impulsive, forceful, overbearing, destructive, self-willed, headstrong, audacious and sensual. Loses the esteem of superiors and those in high position. Danger through impulsive action, assaults, quarrels, accidents, fires, fevers, inflammatory complaints, surgical operations, short sudden, sharp attacks of sickness; cuts, burns, scalds.
If Mars is in Capricorn or the Sun dignified it lessens the tendency to rashness, etc…

MOON Semisquare-45 degrees VENUS with an error of 2.3 degrees.
Aspect strength = 42.53%
Emotionally changeable--especially where love relations are concerned; a tendency toward dilettantism--especially towards ill-advised amorous relations; threatens scandal; somewhat bad for financial pursuits, though rarely disastrously so, particularly where a good planetary aspect intervenes; feelings of awkwardness in romantic situations are common.

MERCURY Semisquare-45 degrees MARS with an error of 2.24 degrees.
Aspect strength = 44.09%
Good intellectual powers; the mind is acute, shrewd, clever and sharp. The disposition I s impulsive, forceful, quick-tempered, sarcastic, argumentative, resentful and impatient; the mind is fired with desires, but has not enough continuity, the aspect being separative rather than unifying.
The subject possesses great mental activity and is therefore liable to brain troubles through over-work, excitement or lack of suitable opportunity for expression of his particular ability, which results in irritability and periods of weariness or exhaustion, and disorganization of the stomach and digestive organs.
Apt to create enmity, opposition and disagreements through sharp, critical statements or impulsive actions. Likely to meet with difficulty through relatives, superiors, servants and neighbors. Losses through theft, risky enterprises, correspondence, contract, litigation, carelessness with facts, hasty conclusions and criticism.
Danger through traveling, tools, machinery, instruments and electrical contrivances; also drugs, operation, wounds from insects, reptiles and small animals.
This aspect indicates difficulties, obstacles and disorganization through things rule by the signs and houses occupied by Mars especially. Trouble through neuralgia, headaches, and accidents. The aspect is a worse form water sign, usually showing tendency to drink and other ruinous habits.

MERCURY Trine-120 degrees CHIRON with an error of 1.41 degrees.
Aspect strength = 64.83%
It is the most powerful aspect in helping someone to be a charismatic speaker (Evita Person was born with this), writer, or singer. This aspect also promotes a New Age outlook and makes the native highly intelligent, adventuresome, and self-reliant.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.25 degrees.
Aspect strength = 68.78%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.44 degrees.
Aspect strength = 63.96%
Loved and adored by the public; public idol; photogenic and charismatic, beautiful on screen and in print; money from sources ruled by Uranus and/or love of whatever is Uranian, including change, entertainment, broadcasting, the movies, telecommunications, publicity and fame, astrology, public performances of all kinds, space travel and flying, technology.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .39 degrees.
Aspect strength = 90.28%
Neptunian beauty, soft, and dreamy; charming personality; money from sources ruled by Neptune including investing for the long-term, oil, land, inheritances, endorsements, copyrights and patents, talent and artistry, medicine and health industry; love of the arts and artistry in love.

VENUS Sesquiquadrate-150 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.43 degrees.
Aspect strength = 64.27%
Sex symbol and love of sexuality; power from beauty; love of power; money from sources ruled by Pluto, including big business, power, atomic energy and the nuclear bomb, sex and competition, gambling; money from taking risk, including gambling, investing for trading profits; love of risk because Pluto rules risk; Pluto also rules elevated gifts, and this pairing would mean heightened, or even irresistible, beauty, and money from elevated talent.

MARS Sextile-60 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 57.70%
This pairing can mean control of war and is a pairing of someone who is a pacifist or is unwilling to be confrontational; but this can also be a pairing indicative of obsessive desires and sustained energy.

JUPITER Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of .19 degrees.
Aspect strength = 95.18%
Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

JUPITER Trine-120 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of .86 degrees.
Aspect strength = 78.50%
Super talented in artistic ways; success through artistry; highly inspired and original because Neptune rules inspiration and originality; remarkably enduring and long-lasting (because Neptune rules whatever is long lasting); very blessed or talented in areas ruled by Neptune, including health, medicine, natural resources, inheritances, patents and copyrights, talent of all types, including acting skills, poetry, singing, musical ability; successful and enduring ingenious ideas, because Neptune rules both ideas and inspiration, as well as whatever is long-lasting.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of .18 degrees.
Aspect strength = 95.49%
More than any other pairing, this one symbolizes super success; super powerful; super rich; unbelievably fortunate; remarkably enterprising we know that Pluto rules power, but it also rules elevated talent and gifts and is an enhancer, so this pairing also means being incredibly talented (which makes sense because how else can you have power?).

SATURN Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.94 degrees.
Aspect strength = 26.59%
Charismatic and almost hypnotic, commanding and able to move large audiences and even entire nations; if this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing, the person has the maximum ability to influence and control audiences, the public, nations, and the world; unconventional; daring to be different; attracted to the counterculture; very independent with an intense dislike of authority; seeking change for the sake of change as opposed to any particular ideas, even though doctrines, will be professed; desire to dominate and control the populace or segments of it, with the ability to do so through charisma; intensely egotistical; this is the single strongest pairing in providing someone with the ability to move the public and change the world.

SATURN Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.95 degrees.
Aspect strength = 26.28%
Burning desire for monumental and enforced change; ability to overhaul and drastically change and dominate a profession, industry, field, or area; this pairing is different from the Saturn + Neptune paring because with this pairing, there is the strong willingness and desire to bring about change in any way deemed necessary and at any cost, including violence if there are also Saturn aspects to Mars in the subject's chart.

URANUS Conjunct-0 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.05 degrees.
Aspect strength = 73.69%
Ability to present artistic talent to the world, and to perform to large audience, this is a common pairing for performers in the entertainment industry; ability to bring new ideas to the world, including new religious ideas, scientific notions, and any idea that is innovative or creative; for athletes, this is an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, ESPECIALLY IF THE OTHER PAIRING INCLDUES Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

URANUS Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of .01 degrees.
Aspect strength = 99.69%
An intellectual approach to the mysterious aspects of life. Original and inventive.

NEPTUNE Square-90 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.04 degrees.
Aspect strength = 74.00%
** Turbulent Aspect **
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.


MOON Contra-Parallel-180 degrees JUPITER with an error of .43 degrees.

Aspect strength = 73.27%

Unfortunate for speculations, games of chance and risky ventures. Loss through misplaced confidence, loans, deception, dishonesty, excess, lack of candor, concealment of motives, irresolution, wrong judgment, either or self or by others. Trouble through changes and voyages; likelihood of slander and false accusations. Sever illness, misunderstanding or separation from the mother. Rather and adverse aspect for health generally, giving liability to derangement of the stomach and liver, blood disorders and tumorous growths. An unfortunate aspect for health in a woman's chart.

MARS Contra-Parallel-180 degrees URANUS with an error of .17 degrees.

Aspect strength = 89.33%

The subject has most of the aforementioned traits and qualities, but is somewhat over-forceful, restless and unsettled; hasty and erroneous in judgment, quick in opposition, resentful, irritable, erratic, radical, imprudent, defiant, odd, eccentric, ungovernable, rebellious, fanciful, excitable, enigmatical. Sometimes violent or revolutionary, seeking to throw off all bonds of limitation, restraint, custom and conventionality.
An unfortunate aspect for affairs ruled by the signs and hoses occupied. Danger of imprisonment and liability to violence, accidents, wounds and trouble through firearms, explosions, lightning, fire, wrecks, machinery, vehicles of transportation and electrical devices.
It denotes sudden and unfortunate events which upset prearranged affairs, reversal of plans and changes in objective.

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