Description: Malcolm Turnbull, Australian politician

Natal Date: 1954-10-24

Planetary Positions:

Sun 210.05 -11.49
Moon 179.90 -4.53
Mercury 222.53 -17.90
Venus 240.01 -26.33
Mars 301.62 -22.15
Jupiter 119.01 20.54
Saturn 220.65 -12.98
Uranus 117.66 21.13
Neptune 205.97 -8.49
Pluto 146.49 22.05
North Node 279.08 -23.13
South Node 99.08 23.13
Apogee 224.69 -20.25
Perigee 44.69 16.25
Chiron 293.43 -14.62
Pholus 302.36 -22.06
Ceres 228.86 -14.18
Pallas 210.49 4.10
Juno 196.39 -3.06

Sun Sign

In Scorpio the Sun gives strong characteristics and shrewd, keen judgment. The Scorpio native is critical, suspicious, skeptical but enterprising, reserved, tenacious, determined and secretive. Fond of luxuries but economical and calculating; restless, energetic, fond of travel, especially on water, and admires grandeur in nature attends to own affairs in business but in matters of duty may make trouble for others. In speech plain, blunt, sarcastic and forceful; in politics or law very aggressive. At best, original, scientific, sagacious, daring and creative, capable of much success through bold enterprise. Fine engineers, contractors, surgeons, chemists, detectives and sheriffs are born in this sign.
Pluto is the planetary ruler of the e sign Scorpio.

Sun on Cusp of Sign

In Libra the Sun gives love of justice, peace and harmony. The native is courteous, pleasant, agreeable and as a rule even tempered, affectionate, sympathetic and sensitive to surroundings and conditions of friends. Is a natural peacemaker, just, kind, amiable and generous. Modest, neat, particular; loves art, refined pleasure and amusements; artistic and dislikes unclean work. Is intuitive and has objective foresight. Usually marries young and generally more than once.
Venus is the planetary ruler of the sign Libra.

Longitudinal Aspect Legend

Cutoff for error is 3.00 degrees.

The less the error the more powerful what is written for each aspect. Error of zero being strongest.

Good aspects:
0 degrees (Most Powerful)
120 degrees (Very Powerful)
30, 60 and 150 (Powerful) equal

Aspects that can be turbulent but can still be good:
180 degrees (Most Powerful)
90 degrees (Very Powerful)
45, 135 degrees (Powerful)


SUN Semisextile-30 degrees MOON with an error of .15 degrees.
Aspect strength = 96.24%
Energetic and driven; ambitious; possesses qualities that enhance relationships, including loyalty and sensitivity; mutual understanding; strong maternal instinct; domestic; cheerfully serene; enjoys good health; musically inclined; prosperous, especially where a good aspect from Jupiter exists.

SUN Semisextile-30 degrees VENUS with an error of .04 degrees.
Aspect strength = 98.89%
A person of beauty or charm, a model or someone who could be model; a comedian because Venus rules sense of humor; a person with the ability to handle wealth because Venus rules movable possessions; a fashion designer because Venus also rules fashion; a person who is loved by the public or is very appealing and idolized by the public; also can represent love of self.

SUN Square-90 degrees MARS with an error of 1.57 degrees.
Aspect strength = 60.70%
Many ups and down and obstacles in the path of the desires. Impulse, pride and anger cause many difficulties; deaths, separations, litigation and enmities; hasty, fiery temper, through not lasting; ambition, love of enterprise but not enough continuity of application, confidence, faith and patience.
Outspoken, assertive, aggressive, combative, defensive, impulsive, forceful, overbearing, destructive, self-willed, headstrong, audacious and sensual. Loses the esteem of superiors and those in high position. Danger through impulsive action, assaults, quarrels, accidents, fires, fevers, inflammatory complaints, surgical operations, short sudden, sharp attacks of sickness; cuts, burns, scalds.
If Mars is in Capricorn or the Sun dignified it lessens the tendency to rashness, etc…

SUN Square-90 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1.04 degrees.
Aspect strength = 74.02%
Threatens financial setbacks through miscalculation in investments, speculation, errors in business, litigation; imprudent, premature action, often based on bad advice; a good aspect of the Moon will help to moderate this, but misfortune tends to prevail, often due to a false sense of security or outright bad judgment; absent careful reasoning or forethought; bombastic; irritable; fond of extravagant display.

SUN Square-90 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.39 degrees.
Aspect strength = 40.21%
Hope for a good aspect with other planets, in order to moderate extreme manifestations of the following: A tendency toward broken promises, separation, and even scandalous betrayal of marital vows, especially where a bad aspect with Venus exists. Averse to long-term ties in general; tendency toward impulsive, erratic action; fond of risk-taking, in business and romance. Particularly bad in a woman's horoscope. Prone to jealousy, love affairs, short-term partnerships. Interest in occult societies; a tendency toward accidents, especially those involving explosions and natural calamities.

MOON Semisquare-45 degrees MERCURY with an error of 2.37 degrees.
Aspect strength = 40.66%
Anxiety, worry, quick, sharp, turbulent and sarcastic states of mind. Impressionable, mutable, imaginative, indecisive, speculative and over-sensitive. Tendency to change, not enough continuity, fixity, firmness and stability of mental attitudes. Poor memory for dates and facts in history. Nevertheless, dexterous, ingenious, or clever, and possesses many good qualities. Temporary derangements of the health through the nervous system, stomach or bowels. Unsuccessful or unpopular writing; public criticism. Business losses, litigation.

MOON Sextile-60 degrees VENUS with an error of .11 degrees.
Aspect strength = 97.35%
A highly intuitive person; sensitive; engaging in personality and gifted with a high degree of emotional intelligence; an affinity for natural beauty; easily forms deep personal connections with others; sociable; affectionate; a tidy person, well-mannered; hospitality or real estate are often ideal career choices.

MOON Trine-120 degrees MARS with an error of 1.72 degrees.
Aspect strength = 56.94%
A person with ambitious goals and the drive to achieve them; implacable, an enthusiastic person, given to hard work and intense relationships, usually with a strong sexual element; highly emotion-driven; excels at physically demanding work.

MOON Sextile-60 degrees JUPITER with an error of .89 degrees.
Aspect strength = 77.77%
This is a Super Aspect and the Wisdom Aspect; the native is attracted to seeking the truth. When the aspect is an enhancement, the native usually finds truth in Judeo-Christian values. When the aspect is not an enhancement, the native is usually attracted to non-Judeo-Christian ideas. Generally, the native is highly responsible, faithful, and peace loving, but willing to fight and die for a cause. (Note this is the same interpretation as the Sun/Jupiter except with the moon the emotional side is amplified.)

MOON Sextile-60 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.24 degrees.
Aspect strength = 43.97%
The native is active, firm, enterprising and scientific. Fond of friendship and the opposite sex. Success and gain through the occult, and through original, inventive and progressive people. The aspect tends to awaken the imaging faculties, quickens the though and intuition, leads the mind into original lines and gives interest in new methods, inventions, curiosities, etc.., giving mesmeric and psychic faculty; good for healing and telepathy. Benefit through business and novelties. A good aspect for an electric expert or worker. Inclination for and benefit through astrology. Advantageous changes and removals. Favors traveling and if either planet is in the Third or Ninth House, many journeys. If in the Fourth House, many changes of residence.

MERCURY Conjunct-0 degrees SATURN with an error of 1.88 degrees.
Aspect strength = 53.05%
Strong ability to concentrate mentally, and a disciplined mind; mind over body; this pairing represents the profession and study of psychology because it is the study of control of the mind; single-minded and obsessed with achieving a goal; when this pairing is quadralized with a Jupiter pairing it can create genius.

VENUS Sextile-60 degrees MARS with an error of 1.62 degrees.
Aspect strength = 59.59%
Grace of motion because Venus rules grace and beauty, and Mars rules the muscles, energy, actions and movement; harmonious energy; abundant energy; money from whatever is ruled by Mars, including athletics and sports, war and the military, weaponry, the development and maintenance of muscles and the body; love of war because Mars rules war and Venus rules desire.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees JUPITER with an error of 1. degrees.
Aspect strength = 75.12%
A born leader; champion of sports; very fortunate; love of God; money from the realms that Jupiter rules, including knowledge, publishing, law, banking.

VENUS Trine-120 degrees URANUS with an error of 2.35 degrees.
Aspect strength = 41.32%
Loved and adored by the public; public idol; photogenic and charismatic, beautiful on screen and in print; money from sources ruled by Uranus and/or love of whatever is Uranian, including change, entertainment, broadcasting, the movies, telecommunications, publicity and fame, astrology, public performances of all kinds, space travel and flying, technology.

MARS Opposite-180 degrees JUPITER with an error of 2.61 degrees.
Aspect strength = 34.72%
Indicates excessive or impulsive generosity; careless regarding the accumulation of money and apt to suffer form the dishonesty of others. Difficulty through and with religion, religious or political people. Loss through speculation and games of chance.
Suffers from indiscretion, dishonesty, deceit, treachery, broken contracts, desertion, misrepresentation and quarrels.
Often the subject is directly or indirectly the cause of misfortune through hasty judgement, impulsive action, extravagance, dissipation or through carelessness, overconfidence, miscalculation, anger.
Dangerous or difficult journeys, trouble in t foreign places and through legal affairs.
Feverish complaints, blood and liver disorders; danger and loss through fires and accidents, and if Uranus is adverse, through lightning, electricity, floods or explosions.

JUPITER Conjunct-0 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.35 degrees.
Aspect strength = 66.20%
Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

JUPITER Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of 2.52 degrees.
Aspect strength = 36.94%
More than any other pairing, this one symbolizes super success; super powerful; super rich; unbelievably fortunate; remarkably enterprising we know that Pluto rules power, but it also rules elevated talent and gifts and is an enhancer, so this pairing also means being incredibly talented (which makes sense because how else can you have power?).

URANUS Square-90 degrees NEPTUNE with an error of 1.69 degrees.
Aspect strength = 57.68%
This is not a very serious aspect; it gives the same quick, keen intuition and faculty for the curious, with attraction for and desire to investigate the mysterious and things occult, but indicates obstacles, difficulties and danger in following extremes in the foregoing. The person is subject to psychic conditions, consciously or unconsciously, therefore, my be influenced by surroundings and environment to his detriment. Many inexpressible moods and emotions will be felt, such as from trance, ecstasy and bliss to vague, semi-hysterical states. Subtle attraction and revulsion. Should exercise great discrimination in choice of friend, confidante or confrere.

URANUS Semisextile-30 degrees PLUTO with an error of 1.17 degrees.
Aspect strength = 70.75%
Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

NEPTUNE Sextile-60 degrees PLUTO with an error of .52 degrees.
Aspect strength = 86.94%
Power from ideas, religion, the sex act (as opposed to lovemaking) and anything ruled by Neptune; the ability to inject religion or ideas into a power struggle; adept at seizing power through religion or ideas; big business from original ideas, talent artistry or other Neptunian symbolisms (it also means success form such activities because Pluto rules big business, and you cannot attain big business without success); for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.
Also obsessive or powerful and long lasting sexual desire lust and stamina.

NEPTUNE Square-90 degrees CHIRON with an error of 2.53 degrees.
Aspect strength = 36.66%
** Turbulent Aspect **
This is a Cinderella aspect. Interpretations: long-term financial security through marriage, long-term family ties, long-term charisma, lasting noteworthiness, New Age ideas and inspirations, and becoming a real live Cinderella. It works on men, also. Since Neptune is the most feminine planet, this aspect imparts a soft, feminine charisma that is very appealing. Princess Diana was born with this aspect. It is also a Romance Aspect. The native believes in real-life Cinderellas and dreams about marrying a form of royalty.


MARS Contra-Parallel-180 degrees URANUS with an error of 1.02 degrees.

Aspect strength = 36.22%

The subject has most of the aforementioned traits and qualities, but is somewhat over-forceful, restless and unsettled; hasty and erroneous in judgment, quick in opposition, resentful, irritable, erratic, radical, imprudent, defiant, odd, eccentric, ungovernable, rebellious, fanciful, excitable, enigmatical. Sometimes violent or revolutionary, seeking to throw off all bonds of limitation, restraint, custom and conventionality.
An unfortunate aspect for affairs ruled by the signs and hoses occupied. Danger of imprisonment and liability to violence, accidents, wounds and trouble through firearms, explosions, lightning, fire, wrecks, machinery, vehicles of transportation and electrical devices.
It denotes sudden and unfortunate events which upset prearranged affairs, reversal of plans and changes in objective.

MARS Contra-Parallel-180 degrees PLUTO with an error of .1 degrees.

Aspect strength = 93.65%

The capacity for violence lies just beneath the surface and often overwhelms the native. Lack of purpose causes inner turbulence and restlessness which may lead to irrational acts. The native has trouble controlling his impulses, and has difficulty living in a structured society. Sadistic tendencies. The native should learn to carefully analyze his reasons for taking actions of any sort.

JUPITER Parallel-0 degrees URANUS with an error of .59 degrees.

Aspect strength = 63.27%

Super fame; talented at dealing with the public and audiences; great natural ability in areas ruled by Uranus, including the general public, politics, entertainment industry (especially movies and broadcasting), telecommunications and any public performance including political speeches acting and modeling, flying and space travel, technology and other agents of change; Uranus also rules recognition so this pairing means being fully recognized and credited for achievements.

URANUS Parallel-0 degrees PLUTO with an error of .92 degrees.

Aspect strength = 42.57%

Ability to have power and control over the pubic, or to enforce significant change on the populace; ability to move or sway the public to act or embrace an idea, or to command attention and appreciation from the public or an audience; for athletes, this is also an energy and coordination enhancer to the other pairing in an M/Q, especially if the other pairing includes Mars, Mercury, or Sun.

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